Thursday, April 22, 2010

Terminology for translators

ITU-T Database

Prototype of the integrated Database ITU-R/ITU-T Terms andDefinitions is an online database providing access to all the abbreviations andacronyms, terms and definitions contained in the ITU-R and ITU-T Publications.
External links

Terminology managed by the Programming, Reference and Terminology Group within the Meeting Programming and Documentation Service, GICM, at FAO in Rome (Italy).

Élaboré par l'Office de la langue française du Gouvernement du Québec. Contient près de 3 millions de termes français et anglais du vocabulaire industriel, scientifique et commercial, dans près de 2000 domaines spécialisés; soit léquivalent de 3000 ouvrages de référence

the EU inter-institutional terminology database system established as the successor to Eurodicautom.

Electropedia is the world's leading online electrical and electronic database containing more than 20 000 terms and definitions in English and French organized by subject area, with equivalent terms in German and Spanish. Electropedia is also known as the International Electrotechnical Vocabulary online or IEV online.

Information on access to IPSAS standards in the six official United Nations languages (Arabic, Chinese, English, French, Russian and Spanish). The IPSAS handbook is available in all six languages. Links to relevant websites provided where they exist.

The online database contains some 20 000 terms in English, French, German and Spanish. It also provides definitions in English and French for the category of General Concepts (IEV parts 101 - 195).

Inventaire des terminologies disponibles dans Internet; ce n'est pas une banque de terminologie; contient 1935 sites indexés et près de 600000 termes. Fruit d'une collaboration entre le Rifal et l' OQLF

International Labour Organization terminology database

Contains over 4,500 records of terms useful to translators working with IMF material. It provides versions of terms in a number of languages, without definitions

Containing Arabic, English and French Terms

Searchable glossaries in many languages pairs and domains created by a network of translators.

Le métamoteur terminologique Terminonaute vous permet d'effectuer une recherche de termes simultanée sur plusieurs sites de terminologie. Pour chaque site sélectionné, une nouvelle fenêtre de votre navigateur s'ouvri ra.

The information contained in this database has been extracted from the Definitions clause of ETSI standards, specifications and reports during their final editing for approval or publication.

Data bank of the Translation Bureau of Public Works and Government Services Canada. It contains specialized terms, spanning nearly every field of human endeavour. Its three million French and English terms are organized by subject. It also contains Spanish terms.

Portail terminologique multidisciplinaire pour la communauté scientifique

Simplified version of the terminological database used by terminologists and translators working in The General Secretariat of the Council of the European Union.

Vienna INternet Terminology And Reference System is a web-based tool to manage terminology and references in all six United Nations Official Languages, plus the host country language, German, in support of the work of translators, editors, and interpreters in Conference Services at the United Na tions Office at Vienna (UNOV).

Terminology of UN Resolutions in a searchable database format (AEFS)

United Nations multilingual terminology database, 70,000 entries in 6 official languages, daily updates. Maintained by the terminology team of the Terminology and Reference Section, Documentation Division, DGACM, New York

(联 合 国 日 内 瓦 口 译 处 / 中 文 科): Access to terminology databases, UN glossaries and useful links.