Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Remove Letter Accents from Text

This function will translates all accented characters, from a string, to their non-accented equivalents.

Monday, June 21, 2010

Restore Grub 2.0 after Windows 7 Install (Ubuntu 10.04 or 9.10)

Ubuntu 9.10 is already installed on a machine and you want to dual boot it with Windows 7. Dual booting with Windows 7 already installed is easy as described here. The reverse is not that difficult either. You first resize your Ubuntu partition, then create a Windows NTFS partition, you can do so using Ubuntu Live CD or a Gparted Live CD. Then boot with Windows DVD and install it. The problem is that the Grub would be gone and you won’t be able to boot into Ubuntu anymore.

This post discusses the easy way of restoring Grub2 using Ubuntu Live CD. Boot with the Ubuntu Live CD. Now mount the partition which has Ubuntu installed on it. If you had a separate partition for /boot then you would have to mount that too. Mounting the partitions is super easy. Just go to Places in the top Gnome menu and try browsing to your corresponding partition by clicking on it. It would automatically get mounted and open in nautilus.

Now just run the following command to install Grub2 in the Master Boot Record (MBR) of your first booting hard drive.

sudo grub-setup -d /media/XXXXX/boot/grub -m /media/YYYYY/boot/grub/device.map /dev/sda

Where XXXXX represents the name or UUID of the partition that you have mounted. If your /boot partition is separate from your / partition then YYYYY above would be different from XXXXX, else both of them would be identical. The command above assumes that /dev/sda is your primary or first device in hard disk boot order. If not then replace it with /dev/sdb or sd_ fill the blank with appropriate letter.

After you have run the command, reboot and you should be able to boot in Ubuntu but not in Windows, to fix it run the following command in a terminal and Grub boot list would be updated to include Windows in it. Also if you want to change boot order read this.

sudo update-grub

Now reboot and you should have the choice to boot in both Windows and Ubuntu. For more information about Grub2 setup see this. Source: http://www.hackourlives.com

Thursday, June 17, 2010


http://traduccionymundolibre.com is a website where you can download portable translation applications for use on a USB-stick. The software selections is also indicated on the website. This may help translators take some useful applications anywhere to work without installing...
It may be downloaded here: http://dl.dropbox.com/u/2156706/PortableCAT.zip

On a pc with a preinstalled operating system from the market leader you can find a lot of free applications to use for your translation work (FOSS = free and open source software). We propose a collection of the following applications (please download USBTrans):
  • Office (text processing, presentation, spreadsheet, database): Open Office
  • PDF: Sumatra PDF-Reader
  • WWW-Browser: Mozilla Firefox
  • Calendar: Mozilla Sunbird
  • HTML Editor: Kompozer
  • Website-Download: WinHTTrack
  • Translation Memory: OmegaT
  • TM Alignment: BiText2TMX, AlignAssist
  • Translation File Management: Max Utilities
  • Translation File Management: Enlaso Tools
  • Concordancer: TextStat
  • Concordancer: AntConc
  • Terminology Management: Foreign-Desk TermBase
  • Concept Systems and Hierarchies: CMap Lite
  • Mindmaps and Hierarchies: Freemind
  • Video Subtiling: SubTitleWorkshop
  • Video Subtiling: Jubler
  • Project Management: OpenProj
  • File Management: muCommander
  • Reference Management: JabRef
  • Reference Management: Zotero
  • Password Management: KeePass
  • AntiVirus ClamWin
  • CD/DVD: InfraRecorder
  • Video, Audio: MPlayer, Audacity
  • Image Management: Irfanview
  • Unit Conversion: ConvertAll
Please download the USBTrans compressed file, extract and copy it to a USB stick of at least 1 GB and you can use the applications without installation of any kind. Source: http://homepage.uibk.ac.at

Some interesting tools can be found here: http://www.linguoc.cat and here: http://leuce.com/tempfile/omtautoit

Tuxtrans - Linux distribution for translators

tuxtrans, the successor to PCLOSTrans, is a Desktop GNU/Linux System developed for translators on the basis of the well-known distribution Ubuntu. It is a full fledged operating system, and it also includes a broad collection of software applications which allow a translator to do his/her job most efficiently and in line with the latest standards.

tuxtrans is based on free software and open source and in particular on Ubuntu 10.04 LTS Lucid Lynx.

uxtrans features a Gnome desktop which makes it relatively easy to migrate from other operating systems. You can install other desktops or window managers easily from the software repositories. tuxtrans uses Ubuntu 10.04 LTS (long term support) as its basis which guarantees long term support for the operating system and a stable two year release cycle.

tuxtrans comes with a lot of applications suited to the everyday tasks of the translator or everybody dealing with multilingual texts. The software ranges from an office suit and DTP software to highly specialized translation memory systems: see the complete list of applications and software packages installed

tuxtrans comes as a multilingual system (EN, DE, IT) with English (en-us) as the default locale. We tried to reduce the volume of the iso file and now include only three locales, although for Ubuntu there are available many other locales provided the system is connected to the internet. To change the system and user interface language to one of the other two preinstalled languages (DE, IT) or to any other locale please consult the languages page.

tuxtrans is a live DVD or USB system: This means that - once you have downloaded and burned it onto a blank DVD disk or copied it to your USB stick (see get it - you may insert it into your DVD/USB drive, switch on your pc and start experimenting or even working without affecting your local hard disk and data: the tuxtrans live DVD/USB does not change anything on your harddisk. Bear in mind, though, that working from the DVD/USB drive is considerably slower than a full local install.

Hardware requirements

A relatively modern PC with Intel architecture is enough to run it: Pentium 4 processor or compatible, 512 RAM and a 6 GB harddisk. These specifications are required mainly by the desktop and OpenOffice. You will also need a bootable DVD or USB drive to start the system.

More info on: http://www.uibk.ac.at/tuxtrans

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Resurse traduceri

Dictionare poliglote si sisteme de traducere

Cel mai mare si eficient portal lingvistic. Resurse de studiere a limbilor in peste 250 de limbi.

Sistem de traducere on-line, dictionar si multe altele din lingvistica.

Dictionare online.

TravLang - diferite dictionare pentru a traduce in diferite limbi.

Site-ul dictionarului on-line LOGOS (toate limbile).

Babylon's single click translation - informatii din sute de dictionare si glosare de pe Internet. (Engleza , Germana, Franceza, Spaniola, Italiana, Portugheza, Evrit, Olandeza, Suedeza, Japoneza, Chineza).

http://www.cetrodftt.com/translate (toate limbile)
Un site unde sunt sistematizate numeriase dictionare din tot Internetul cu genericul - "Any Language, Anywhere".

Pe OneLook Dictionaries poti face cercetari in peste 700 dictionare de pe Web.

Traduce orice cuvant in 57 de limbi ale lumii. Daca cuvantul cautat nu se afla in baza de date, il primiti mai tarziu prin e-mail. Pe site este si informatie de ordin lingvistic.

SYSTRAN - sistem de traduceri online. (Engleza, Franceza, Italiana, Spanoila, Portugheza).

Orice cuvant din principalele limbi europene. (Daneza, olandeza,engleza finlandeza, franceza,germana greaca italiana latina portugheza spaniola suedeza).

Traducator instantaneu (Afrikaan, Daneza, Olandeza, Finlandeza, Franceza, Ungara, Indoneziana, Italiana, Japoneza, Latina, Norvegiana, Portugheza, Rusa, Spaniola, Swahili, Suedeza).

Acest traducator on-line, traduce pagini web si fraze din engleza, franceza, germana, daneza, spaniola, finlandeza, italiana, portugheza, ceha, romana , rusa. Sunt si dictionare.

FreeTranslation.com e un site simplu de utilizat pentru traducerea textelor si a paginilor Web. (Engleza, Spaniola, Franceza, Italiana, Portugheza, Germana, Norvegiana).

Traduce texte si pagini web. (Engleza, Franceza, Italiana, Spanoila, Portugheza, Germana).

Wordreference - traduce cuvinte in paginile web.

Traducator online. Traduce din engleza in rusa si invers texte, pagini web si email-uri.

Universal dictionary. Free online English dictionary, thesaurus and reference guide, crossword puzzles and other word games, online translator and Word of the Day.

Dictionar englez cu sistem de cercetare multilingual.


Dictionar Online Englez - Englez


Dictionare Online Englez-Roman-Englez, German-Roman-German, Spaniol-Roman-Spaniol, Italian-Roman-Italian, Francez-Roman-Francez


Dictionar OnLine Roman - Englez - German - Francez - Spaniol - Italian


Dictionar OnLine Englez - Roman


Dictionar OnLine Englez - Rom�n


Dictionar OnLine Rom�n - Englez


Dictionar OnLine Roman - Englez - Roman

Dictionar Englez-Roman, Roman-Englez foarte rapid.


Dictionar general Roman - Englez - Roman

The Alternative Romanian Dictionary. Dictionar roman-englez al cuvintelor necenzurate


Dictionar general Roman - German - Roman

LEO. Dictionar englez-german si german-englez.

Dictionar rus-roman-rus. Este doar pentru Download!
Este si un compartiment roman-englez-roman de termeni informatici.

Dictionar englez-rus online.

Dictionar rus-englez online.

Dictionarul limbii spaniole, dar si Englez-Spaniol, Spaniol-Englez, Spaniol-Francez, Francez-Spaniol si Catalana-Casteliana, Casteliana-Catalana.

Dictionar Englez-Chinez, Chinez-Englez.

Dictionar gratuit online englez-japonez-englez.

Dictionar Francofon Universal On-Line.

Vocabular Italian - Esperanto.

Dictionarul limbii swahili (Engleza, Rusa, Swahili).

Mic dictionar Italiano-Tongan-Englez.

Dialectul LUCANO. Vocabular Lucano-Italian-Englez.

Dictionare explicative, enciclopedii

Enciclopedia Encarta (Franceza, Engleza, Germana, Spaniola, Italiana).

Dictionar juridic Italian-German (Engleza, Germana, Italiana).

The Wordsmyth Educational Dictionary-Thesaurus este unul dintre primele dictionare de Engleza Americanais the premier online Americana on-line.

O enciclopedie unde inveti distrandu-te.

Site care ofera posibilitatea de a face cercetari folosind dictionarele: the Cambridge International Dictionary of English, Cambridge Dictionary of American English, Cambridge International Dictionary of Phrasal Verbs, Cambridge International Dictionary of Idioms.

Enciclopedia Britannica Online

Enciclopedia on-line.

Glosar de termeni lingvistici.

Un dictionar unde afli despre toate fobiile din lume

Dictionarul Leibniz Online.


Dictionar de Matematica Roman - Englez - Roman

Glosar de bioetica.

In Infoplease.com poti face cercetari in enciclopedie si dictionar.

Cliche Finder - peste 3300 cliseie anglosaxone.

Gabril's Writing Center - tot de ce ai nevoie pentru a te exprima corect in limba engleza.

Dictionarul Larousse si Larousse Bibilingues - e tot de ce aveti nevoie pentru perfectionarea limbii franceze

Acest dictionar de sinonime contine aproximativ 50 000 cuvinte de baza si 400 000 sinonime. El este alcatuit pe baza a sapte dictionare clasice: Bailly, Benac, Du Chazeaud, Guizot, Lafaye, Larousse si Robert.

DEX - un mic dictionar explicativ al limbii romane online.

Dictionare Tehnica si Internet


Dictionar Modern de Informatic�

FOLDOC e un dictionar unde poti gasi orice despre calculatoare:acronime, jargon, limbaje de programare, sisteme de operare, retele, teorie si multe altele.

Whatis.com e un dictionar de informatica.

Dictionar online de termeni tehnici si de Internet.

Enciclopedia World Wide Web.

Glosar de termeni tehnici de Kant.

Netdictionary este un ghid de termeni tehnici, culturali si umoristici din lumea Internetului.

Dictionare de medicina si biologie


Dictionar de Medicina


Dictionar botanic (numai in limba engleza)

Plantele medicinale in italiana,franceza,germana,engleza.

Dcitionar de termeni medicali.

Lista de situri utile in practica medicala


ANIMALIA - Enciclopedia animalelor din Romania (animale: sistematica, morfologie, biologie, ecologie, raspandire)

Dictionare de filosofie

Glosar filosofic modern.

Glosar de termeni filosofici.

Dictionar de constiinta-Dictionary of Consciousness.

Resurse la filosofie in Internet.

Dictionary of Philosophy of Mind.

Enciclopedia filosofica "Stanford".

Enciclopedia de studii medievale.

Dictionarul sensibilitatii.

Glosar de termeni de etica.

Enciclopedie online de filosofie.

Referate pentru elevi
www.referat.ro - Referete la Informatica, Biologie, Romana, Geografie, Istorie. Bacalaureat. Capacitate.

www.e-referate.ro - Site cu referate si jocuri On-Line.

www.referate.online.ro - Referate, eseuri, proiecte de dipoma, licenta, bacalaureat, capacitate, liceu

eReferate.ro - Referate de nota 10.

docu.gameszone.ro - Un site cu foarte multe referate, cu subiecte de la olimpiade si documente pentru proiectele voastre.

www.angelfire.com/ma4/referate - Site cu multe referate la geografie, chimie, franceza, engleza, istorie si programe la informatica.

www.efizica.ro - Site interactiv de fizica. Bacalaureat, admitere.

www.economie.home.ro - Program de pregatire la economie pentru admitere, teste grila.

www.se-uri.go.ro - Site ce va ofera referate dar in acelasi timp va si invata sa le intocmiti.

www.referate.ol.ro - Referate la toate materiile.

www.gogoasha.com - Peste 800 de referate in 18 domenii.

www.referatul.go.ro - Site cu referate si link-uri spre alte site-uri cu acelasi profil.

www.e-referate.go.ro - Site cu referate noi

www.c-referate.go.ro - Referate.

www.matematici.ro - Site de pregatire on-line la matematica

www.epsilon.ro/ - O pagina dedicata pasionatilor de matematica, continand toate detaliile legate de Olimpiada Nationala.
www.matematica.eu.org. - Exercitii de mate pe Web. Subiecte de bac si admitere. Materiale ajutatoare.
math4all.home.ro - Matematica pentru toti, pe intelesul tuturor. Cunostinte elementare si avansate din toate domeniile matematicii.
e-edu.go.ro - Acest site se adreseaza tuturor celor interesati in problemele legate de informatica in scoala.
www.galaxyng.com/potw - Site de probleme de cultura generala, logica si matematica. Problemele se actualizeaza saptamanal.
www.limbaromana.go.ro/ - Poeti, dramaturgi, prozatori, comentarii literare, referate, subiecte bac, divertisment, totul intr-un singur loc.
www.istorie.home.ro/ - Totul despre istorie! Perfect si pentru referate.

Referate pentru studenti

proiectesireferate.tripod.com - Proiecte si referate pentru politehnica.

www.automatica-calculatoare.as.ro - Documentatii, cursuri, referate pentru Facultatea de Automatica si Calculatoare UPB.
nota10.ro - Site destinat studentilor la facultatea de Automatica si Calculatoare din UPB
341ca.romus.ro/ - Pagina cu informatii si documentatie pentru temele din Anul 4, Automatica, Calculatoare
shef.free.fr/aii - Site dedicat in mod special studentilor din Facultatea de Automatica si Calculatoare, Universitatea Politehnica Bucuresti.
www.ena.ro/referate.html - Referate pentru studenti de la facultatile de drept.

www.drept.as.ro/ - Ai vrea sa stii mai multe despre drept? Vino pe site-ul nostru: Referate, lucrari de diploma.

www.miruna.go.ro - Ghid, cursuri, cercetari, referate pentru studentii la psihologie.

www.finint.ase.ro - Referate, cursuri, manuale, aplicatii, formule, adrese util axate pe problematica finantarii internationale

www.emilwebsite.go.ro/ - Proiecte, referate ASE Management

www.totalnet.go.ro - Cursuri, proiecte, referate si chiar proiecte de licenta

www.eco4u.go.ro/ - Subiecte A.S.E., DREPT 1999-2002, administratie publica, definitivat avocatura, magistratura 2002, licenta drept, acad.de politie.
licenta2003.go.ro/ - Lucrari de Diploma, Lucrari de Licenta, Dizertatii - orice domeniu.
www.lucrdiploma.go.ro/ - Elaborare lucrari de diploma; referate; legislatie; drept civil, penal, comercial etc.; sociologie; Uniunea Europeana etc.
www.27.ro/ - Mediu de lucru virtual pentru studentii stomatologi din toata tara. Cursuri, forum de discutii, noutati din domeniu
www.unicb.go.ro/ - Referate, cursuri, proiecte, probleme rezolvate pentru studentii de Universitatea Constantin Brancoveanu
chem.ourstudents.md/ - Teze, referate, carti, aplicatii, noutati, si multe altele despre chimie.


AltFel-Publicatie studenteasca
Contine publicatia studenteasca AltFel in varianta electronica.


Revista adevarata si nonconformista a liceenilor din Bolintin


Arhimede - Revista de cultura matematica

Revista ARHIMEDE se adreseaza elevilor si profesorilor de matematica din invatamantul preuniversitar si are ca scop atragerea tineretului la o munca in care creativitatea reprezinta un element esential.


Buletinul de Informatica
Site-ul ofera solutii informatizate la toate problemele. Este o revista electronica pe probleme de informatica si computere, deocamdata in format text, publicata si pe web.

Revista Asociatiei Internationale a Studentilor la Istorie (I.S.H.A.). Contine articole pe diverse teme, scrise de studenti din numeroase tari europene.In anul academic 2000-2001 revista este editata de filiala din Bucuresti a Asociatiei - Societatea de Studii Istorice ERASMUS.

Econosofia - Saptamanal electronic universitar

Creat si mentinut de studenti; teme:macroeconomie, politica, societate si cultura.



Revista "ERASMUS". Publicatie a Societatii de Studii Istorice "Erasmus".


Fereastra spre viitor
Site de prezentare a publicatiei. Neactualizat de aproape doi ani. Revista editata de elevii Scolii Basarab I Curtea de Arges.
First Line
Este editata de Liceul "Emanuil Gojdu" din Oradea. Contine cateva informatii din domenii de interes pentru tineri: muzica, filosofie, olimpiade...
Gazeta de informatica
GInfo - revista viitorilor specialisti IT. Gazeta de Informatica singura revista din lume destinata tinerilor informaticieni. Cantitate mare de informatii, arhiva, cuprins numere anterioare, contacte, abonamente.
Informatica, Fizica teoretica si practica
Pagina revistei de stiinta si tehnica editata de elevi si profesori de la Colegiul Economic Buzau.
Site-ul contine articole aparute in revista Interval, grupate pe domenii: interviu, documente, calatorii, natiune, istorie etc.
Opinia Studenteasca
Contine articole de interes, pe domenii: stiri, sport, sex, arte, informatii diverse etc.

Pasi pe nisip
Revista Scolii Normale "Elena Cuza" din Bucuresti beneficiaza de un site informativ, cu o arhiva in format pdf. Include aparitiile din '97-'98.

Revista scolii profesionale Tulcea.

Pupaza din tei

Este site-ul micilor jurnalisti ce face parte din seria de publicatii on-line cu caracter educativ.


Revista NORII
Pagina revistei face parte din site-ul proiectului cultural NORII. Articole interesante, link-uri din intreaga lume unde puteti gasi texte de sau despre un anume poet sau prozator sau filosof etc., picturi, sculpturi si clip-uri muzicale, cursuri, dictionare si enciclopedii, practic mii de carti ce pot fi citite on-line.

Revista Plus
Publicatia apartine studentilor din Facultatea de Matematica a Universitatii Bucuresti. Site atractiv.


Revista de matematica si informatica - algoritmi, concursuri, programare, pb propuse/ rezolvate, Internet.


Sursa: http://www.rnccc.ro

Masterat European de Traductologie-Terminologie

Masteratul European de Traductologie-Terminologie se adresează absolvenților cu diplomă de licență din cele mai diverse domenii care doresc să urmeze o carieră de traducător specializat, terminolog, revizor, specialist în subtitrare și localizare.

În 2008 masteratul a fost complet restructurat pentru a răspunde cerințelor sistemului Bologna și exigențelor rețelei europene European Masters in Translation coordonată de Direcția Generală Traduceri a Comisiei Europene .


  • Membrii rețea EMT
  • Direcția Generală Traduceri a Comisiei Europene – program Visiting Translator Scheme
  • Rennes II, Franta, - program TRADUTECH European Students Programme
  • Universidad de Alcala, Spania – program ERASMUS
  • Bamberg Universität, Germania
  • Asociația Traducătorilor din România
Detalii la: http://lett.ubbcluj.ro/mastertt


Director program: conf. dr. Anca Greere
Contact: anca.greere@softwaredesign.ro

Program membru rețeaua European Master’s in Translation, Comisia Europeană


2. Durata studiilor: 2 ani

3. Concursul de admitere:

Limba I (engleză, franceză, germană, spaniolă, la alegere): traducere spre limba română cu comentariu în limba străină, tehnoredactare informatizată (traducerea se efectuează direct pe calculator, respectând formatarea documentului inițial).
Limba II (engleză, franceză, germană, spaniolă, la alegere, alta decât limba I): test de competență lingvistică (gramatică și vocabular).
Limba română: test de competență lingvistică, se evaluează corectitudinea morfo-sintactică, ortografică și semantică, capacitatea de redactare.
Interviu – propunere de proiect terminologic (discuție: domeniu de interes, surse de documentare etc.)
Tematica de examen:
- procesul traducerii; modalități de elaborare a unei traduceri; aspecte culturale în traducere;
- noțiuni de terminologie;
- tehnoredactare computerizată: cunostințe de bază în programul Word.

4. Bibliografie:
ADAB, B. and SCHÄFFNER, C. (eds.) (2000) Developing Translation Competence. Amsterdam / Philadelphia: Benjamins
BAKER, Mona (1992) In Other Words. A Coursebook on Translation. London: Routledge
CIOBANU, Georgeta, Elemente de terminologie, Ed. Mirton, Timisoara, 1998
GREERE, Anca, Translating for Business Purposes, Ed. Clusium, Cluj-Napoca, 2003
MOUNIN, Georges, Les problèmes théoriques de la traduction, Gallimard, Paris, 1963, cap. 5
ROBINSON, Douglas, Becoming a Translator , Routledge, 1997, cap. 4, pp. 93-108
INSTITUTUL EUROPEAN DIN ROMÂNIA, Ghid stilistic de traducere în limba română pentru uzul traducătorilor acquis-ului comunitar , ed. 2006

5. Date de admitere:
DEPUNERE DOSARE: 1 - 5 septembrie 2010
PROBA SCRISĂ: 7 septembrie 2010, ora 15:00 (prima serie), 8 septembrie, ora 9:00 (a doua serie)
PROBA ORALĂ: 9, 10 septembrie 2010.

Friday, June 4, 2010

Oggenc - encode audio into the Ogg Vorbis format

oggenc [ -hrQ ] [ -B raw input sample size ] [ -C raw input number of channels ] [ -R raw input samplerate ] [ -b nominal bitrate ] [ -m minimum bitrate ] [ -M maximum bitrate ] [ -q quality ] [ --resample frequency ] [ --downmix ] [ -s serial ] [ -o output_file ] [ -n pattern ] [ -c extra_comment ] [ -a artist ] [ -t title ] [ -l album ] [ -G genre ] input_files ...


oggenc reads audio data in either raw, WAV, or AIFF format and encodes it into an Ogg Vorbis stream. oggenc may also read audio data from FLAC and Ogg FLAC files depending upon compile-time options. If the input file "-" is specified, audio data is read from stdin and the Vorbis stream is written to stdout unless the -o option is used to redirect the output. By default, disk files are output to Ogg Vorbis files of the same name, with the extension changed to ".ogg". This naming convention can be overridden by the -o option (in the case of one file) or the -n option (in the case of several files). Finally, if none of these are available, the output filename will be the input filename with the extension (that part after the final dot) replaced with ogg, so file.wav will become file.ogg


-h, --help
Show command help.
-v, --version
Show the version number.
-r, --raw
Assume input data is raw little-endian audio data with no header information. If other options are not specified, defaults to 44.1kHz stereo 16 bit. See next three options for how to change this.
-B n, --raw-bits=n
Sets raw mode input sample size in bits. Default is 16.
-C n, --raw-chan=n
Sets raw mode input number of channels. Default is 2.
-R n, --raw-rate=n
Sets raw mode input samplerate. Default is 44100.
--raw-endianness n
Sets raw mode endianness to big endian (1) or little endian (0). Default is little endian.
-Q, --quiet
Quiet mode. No messages are displayed.
-b n, --bitrate=n
Sets target bitrate to n (in kb/s). The encoder will attempt to encode at approximately this bitrate. By default, this remains a VBR encoding. See the --managed option to force a managed bitrate encoding at the selected bitrate.
-m n, --min-bitrate=n
Sets minimum bitrate to n (in kb/s). Enables bitrate management mode (see --managed).
-M n, --max-bitrate=n
Sets maximum bitrate to n (in kb/s). Enables bitrate management mode (see --managed).
Set bitrate management mode. This turns off the normal VBR encoding, but allows hard or soft bitrate constraints to be enforced by the encoder. This mode is much slower, and may also be lower quality. It is primarily useful for creating files for streaming.
-q n, --quality=n
Sets encoding quality to n, between -1 (very low) and 10 (very high). This is the default mode of operation, with a default quality level of 3. Fractional quality levels such as 2.5 are permitted. Using this option allows the encoder to select an appropriate bitrate based on your desired quality level.
--resample n
Resample input to the given sample rate (in Hz) before encoding. Primarily useful for downsampling for lower-bitrate encoding.
Downmix input from stereo to mono (has no effect on non-stereo streams). Useful for lower-bitrate encoding.
--advanced-encode-option optionname=value
Sets an advanced option. See the Advanced Options section for details.
-s, --serial
Forces a specific serial number in the output stream. This is primarily useful for testing.
Prevents comments in FLAC and Ogg FLAC files from being copied to the output Ogg Vorbis file.
-o output_file, --output=output_file
Write the Ogg Vorbis stream to output_file (only valid if a single input file is specified).
-n pattern, --names=pattern
Produce filenames as this string, with %g, %a, %l, %n, %t, %d replaced by genre, artist, album, track number, title, and date, respectively (see below for specifying these). Also, %% gives a literal %.
-X, --name-remove=s
Remove the specified characters from parameters to the -n format string. This is useful to ensure legal filenames are generated.
-P, --name-replace=s
Replace characters removed by --name-remove with the characters specified. If this string is shorter than the --name-remove list, or is not specified, the extra characters are just removed. The default settings for this option, and the -X option above, are platform specific (and chosen to ensure legal filenames are generated for each platform).
-c comment, --comment comment
Add the string comment as an extra comment. This may be used multiple times, and all instances will be added to each of the input files specified. The argument should be in the form "tag=value".
-a artist, --artist artist
Set the artist comment field in the comments to artist.
-G genre, --genre genre
Set the genre comment field in the comments to genre.
-d date, --date date
Sets the date comment field to the given value. This should be the date of recording.
-N n, --tracknum n
Sets the track number comment field to the given value.
-t title, --title title
Set the track title comment field to title.
-l album, --album album
Set the album comment field to album.

Note that the -a, -t, and -l options can be given multiple times. They will be applied, one to each file, in the order given. If there are fewer album, title, or artist comments given than there are input files, oggenc will reuse the final one for the remaining files, and issue a warning in the case of repeated titles.

Advanced Encoder Options

Oggenc allows you to set a number of advanced encoder options using the --advanced-encode-option option. These are intended for very advanced users only, and should be approached with caution. They may significantly degrade audio quality if misused. Not all these options are currently documented.

Set the lowpass frequency to N kHz.
Set a noise floor bias N (range from -15. to 0.) for impulse blocks. A negative bias instructs the encoder to pay special attention to the crispness of transients in the encoded audio. The tradeoff for better transient response is a higher bitrate.
Set the allowed bitrate maximum for the encoded file to N bits per second. This bitrate may be exceeded only when there is spare bits in the bit reservoir; if the bit reservoir is exhausted, frames will be held under this value. This setting must be used with --managed to have any effect.
Set the allowed bitrate minimum for the encoded file to N bits per second. This bitrate may be underrun only when the bit reservoir is not full; if the bit reservoir is full, frames will be held over this value; if it impossible to add bits constructively, the frame will be padded with zeroes. This setting must be used with --managed to have any effect.
Set the total size of the bit reservoir to N bits; the default size of the reservoir is equal to the nominal number of bits coded in one second (eg, a nominal 128kbps file will have a bit reservoir of 128000 bits by default). This option must be used with --managed to have any effect and affects only minimum and maximum bitrate management. Average bitrate encoding with no hard bitrate boundaries does not use a bit reservoir.
Set the behavior bias of the bit reservoir (range: 0. to 1.). When set closer to 0, the bitrate manager attempts to hoard bits for future use in sudden bitrate increases (biasing toward better transient reproduction). When set closer to 1, the bitrate manager neglects transients in favor using bits for homogenous passages. In the middle, the manager uses a balanced approach. The default setting is .2, thus biasing slightly toward transient reproduction.
Set the average bitrate for the file to N bits per second. When used without hard minimum or maximum limits, this option selects reservoirless Average Bit Rate encoding, where the encoder attempts to perfectly track a desired bitrate, but imposes no strict momentary fluctuation limits. When used along with a minimum or maximum limit, the average bitrate still sets the average overall bitrate of the file, but will work within the bounds set by the bit reservoir. When the min, max and average bitrates are identical, oggenc produces Constant Bit Rate Vorbis data.
Set the reaction time for the average bitrate tracker to N seconds. This number represents the fastest reaction the bitrate tracker is allowed to make to hold the bitrate to the selected average. The faster the reaction time, the less momentary fluctuation in the bitrate but (generally) the lower quality the audio output. The slower the reaction time, the larger the ABR fluctuations, but (generally) the better the audio. When used along with min or max bitrate limits, this option directly affects how deep and how quickly the encoder will dip into its bit reservoir; the higher the number, the more demand on the bit reservoir.

The setting must be greater than zero and the useful range is approximately .05 to 10. The default is .75 seconds.


Simplest version. Produces output as somefile.ogg:

oggenc somefile.wav

Specifying an output filename:

oggenc somefile.wav -o out.ogg

Specifying a high-quality encoding averaging 256 kbps (but still VBR).

oggenc infile.wav -b 256 out.ogg

Specifying a maximum and average bitrate, and enforcing these.

oggenc infile.wav --managed -b 128 -M 160 out.ogg

Specifying quality rather than bitrate (to a very high quality mode)

oggenc infile.wav -q 6 out.ogg

Downsampling and downmixing to 11 kHz mono before encoding.

oggenc --resample 11025 --downmix infile.wav -q 1 out.ogg

Adding some info about the track:

oggenc somefile.wav -t "The track title" -a "artist who performed this" -l "name of album" -c "OTHERFIELD=contents of some other field not explictly supported"

This encodes the three files, each with the same artist/album tag, but with different title tags on each one. The string given as an argument to -n is used to generate filenames, as shown in the section above. This example gives filenames like "The Tea Party - Touch.ogg":

oggenc -b 192 -a "The Tea Party" -l "Triptych" -t "Touch" track01.wav -t "Underground" track02.wav -t "Great Big Lie" track03.wav -n "%a - %t.ogg"

Encoding from stdin, to stdout (you can also use the various tagging options, like -t, -a, -l, etc.):

oggenc - Source: