Tuesday, March 14, 2023

Python - Get All Variables in a Module

Searching for: python get all variables in module

There are different ways to get all the variables in a Python module. One way is to use the dir() function, which returns a list of names of all the functions and variables present in a module1Another way is to use the inspect library, which has a getmembers() function that gets all the members, such as methods, variables, classes, etc., present inside a class or a module21.

1. tutorialspoint.com2. delftstack.com3. stackoverflow.com4. stackoverflow.com5. w3schools.com

Searching for: python get variables of a module

To get the variables of a module, you can use the getattr() function, which takes a module object and a variable name as arguments and returns the value of that variable1Another way is to use the vars() function, which returns a dictionary of all the attributes and values of a module object2.

1. stackoverflow.com2. stackoverflow.com3. w3schools.com

Here are some examples of how to use the getattr() and vars() functions to get the variables of a module.

Let’s say you have a module called mymodule.py that contains the following code:

# mymodule.py

x = 10

y = 20

z = 30

def add(a, b):

    return a + b

To get the value of the variable x from this module, you can use the getattr() function like this:

# another file that imports mymodule

import mymodule

x_value = getattr(mymodule, "x")

print(x_value) # prints 10


To get a dictionary of all the attributes and values of this module, you can use the vars() function like this:

# another file that imports mymodule

import mymodule

mymodule_dict = vars(mymodule)

print(mymodule_dict) # prints {'__name__': 'mymodule', '__doc__': None, '__package__': None, '__loader__': <_frozen_importlib_external.SourceFileLoader object at 0x000001E9B6F8A4C0>, '__spec__': None, '__file__': 'C:\\Users\\User\\Desktop\\mymodule.py', '__cached__': None, 'x': 10, 'y': 20, 'z': 30, 'add': <function add at 0x000001E9B6F8A940>}

I hope these examples help you understand how to get the variables of a module in Python.

How do I filter out only the variables and not the functions or other attributes?

Searching for: python filter variables from module dictionary

To filter out only the variables and not the functions or other attributes from a module dictionary, you can use a filtering function that checks the type of each value. For example, you can use the isinstance() function to check if a value is an instance of a certain class, such as intstrfloat, etc. You can also use the filter() function to apply the filtering function to each key-value pair in the dictionary and return an iterable of the filtered items1.

Here is an example of how to filter out only the variables from the module dictionary we got earlier:

# another file that imports mymodule

import mymodule

mymodule_dict = vars(mymodule)

# define a filtering function that returns True if the value is an instance of int, str or float

def is_variable(item):

    key, value = item # unpack each key-value pair into two variables

    return isinstance(value, (int, str, float)) # check if value is an instance of int, str or float

# use filter() to apply the filtering function to each item in mymodule_dict and get an iterable of filtered items

filtered_items = filter(is_variable, mymodule_dict.items())

# convert filtered_items into a dictionary using dict()

filtered_dict = dict(filtered_items)

print(filtered_dict) # prints {'x': 10, 'y': 20, 'z': 30}