Ubuntu: Download all file from ftp server recursively
You can use ncftpget command to download entire ftp directory and sub directories from remote ftp server. Let us say you would like to download /www-data directory and all subdirectories inside this one from ftp.nixcraft.net server. You need to use ncftpget command.
Install ncftp client
ncftp client software can be downloaded from http://www.ncftp.com/ncftp/ and works with FreeBSD, Solaris and all most all UNIX variant. You can also run command as follows to install ncftp:
$ sudo apt-get install ncftp
FTP get directory recursively
ncftpget is Internet file transfer program for scripts and advance usage. You need to use command as follows:
$ ncftpget –R –v –u "ftpuser" ftp.nixcraft.net /home/vivek/backup /www-data