chcp 65001
in the command prompt prior to use of any tools helps but is there any way to set is as default code page?Changing
value to 65001
appear to make the system unable to boot in my case.Proposed change of
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Command Processor\Autorun
to @chcp 65001>nul
Batch file .bat
REM change CHCP to UTF-8
CHCP 65001
Saved at C:\Windows\System32 as switch.bat. Create a link for cmd.exe on the desktop. In the properties of cmd, changed the destination to:
C:\Windows\System32\cmd.exe /k switch
Note that it will print
Active code page: 65001
to stdout. So if you are doing something like CHCP 65001 && mycommand.exe
then you'll get the codepage printed out at the start. You need to CHCP 65001 >nul && mycommand.exe
Reg file:
Command Prompt:
Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00
- Value must be in hex
- Top line must be included exactly as is
- HKEY_CURRENT_USER cannot be abbreviated
- dword cannot be omitted
Command Prompt:
REG ADD HKCU\Console\%SystemRoot^%_system32_cmd.exe /v CodePage /t REG_DWORD /d 65001
- Value can be in dec or hex
- %SystemRoot% must be escaped
- REG_DWORD cannot be omitted
New-Item -ErrorAction Ignore HKCU:\Console\%SystemRoot%_system32_cmd.exe
Set-ItemProperty HKCU:\Console\%SystemRoot%_system32_cmd.exe CodePage 65001
- Value can be in dec or hex
-Type DWord
is assumed with PowerShell 3+- Can use
ni -> New-Item
- Can use
sp -> Set-ItemProperty
- Can use
-ea 0 -> -ErrorAction Ignore
regtool add '\HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Console\%SystemRoot%_system32_cmd.exe'
regtool set '\HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Console\%SystemRoot%_system32_cmd.exe\CodePage' 65001
- Value can be in dec or hex
- Can use
/ -> \
- Can use
- Can use