Thursday, January 25, 2018

Choose between neural and statistical Google translation model

The premium features of the Google Cloud Translation API have been made generally available in the Standard Edition. All users have access to the robust translation features available using the Neural Machine Translation (NMT) model, as well as the capabilities of the Phrase-Based Machine Translation (PBMT) model. There is no difference in pricing between the standard, PBMT model, and the NMT model.
By default, when you make a translation request to the Google Cloud Translation API, your text is translated using the NMT model. If the NMT model is not supported for the requested language translation pair, or if you explicitly request it, the PBMT model is used.
You can specify which model to use for translation by using the model query parameter. Specify base to use the PBMT model, and nmt to use the NMT model.