Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Excel macro for converting martif to xls

Sub mtf2xls()

Dim fs, a, strs, rets, langs(10)
Flag = 0
strs = InputBox("path to martif")
Set fs = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
Set f = fs.OpenTextFile(strs, 1, -2)
j = 0
Do While f.AtEndOfStream <> True
rets = f.ReadLine
lgd = Len(rets)

If (Left(rets, 1) = " ") Then
lgk = lgd - 1
rets = Right(rets, lgk)
GoTo lab1
End If

If Left(rets, 10) = "<termEntry" Then
j = j + 1
Cells(j + 1, 1) = j
End If

wh = InStr(rets, "lang=")
If wh <> 0 Then
    wh = wh + 5
    asu = Asc(Mid(rets, wh, 1))
    we = wh
    we = we + 1
        If (Asc(Mid(rets, we, 1)) <> asu) Then
            GoTo recog2
        End If
    lantx = Mid(rets, wh + 1, we - wh - 1)

    If numlan = 0 Then GoTo addlan2
    For k = 1 To numlan
    If lantx = langs(k) Then GoTo knownlan2
    Next k
    numlan = numlan + 1
    k = numlan
    langs(k) = lantx
    Cells(1, k + 1) = lantx
End If

If Left(rets, 6) = "<term>" Then
    lgd = Len(rets)
    lgk = lgd - 13
    ttr = Mid(rets, 7, lgk)
    Cells(j + 1, k + 1) = ttr
End If

End Sub