Open MultiTerm. Click on
Termbase and then Create termbase:
(we will work with the xdt file)
Termbase definition. Use Load an existing termbase
definition file and select the .xdt file from the location
you stored it when you made the conversion.
Termbase Name. Enter name.
Index fields. Add Romanian.
Descriptive fields. Leave as is. Next.
Entry structure. Leave as is. Next.
Wizard Complete. Finish.
(we will work with the xml file)
Importing entries
Termbase/Import entries: Termbase Catalogue. Select default import definition. Press Process.
1. General settings.
Import file: the xml file you have created. Select Fast import
(skip to screen 7).
7. Import definition
summary. Next.
8. Processing the import.
Next. Wizard Complete. Finish. Close Termbase Catalogue.
Now the termbase is imported in your Multiterm.
In Translator's Workbench
1. Options>Term Recognition Options>Termbase
2. Select your MultiTerm version, browse to the location of your term base (> Add termbase> select Local termbases>select your termbase>OK>OK), language selection (set the SL: English or German and TL: Romanian) >OK
Pay attention to the
language selection, otherwise you’ll encounter this error:
(-2147467259): Illegal Index
Converting an Excel glossary (xls) to a Multiterm termbase (xdt)
Importing via MultiTerm
Open MultiTerm Convert. You
will see the following screens:
1. Welcome.
2. Conversion Session.
Select New Conversion session.
3. Conversion Options.
Select Microsoft Excel format.
4. Specify excel file. Input
file. Select your Excel file. The other file options will be
populated automatically. The location of the xml file will be the
same as the location of the xls file. Note it as you will need it
5. Specify Column Header.
For English select Index
field: English (e.g. US)
For Romanian select Index
field: Romanian
6. Create Entry Structure.
Leave as is. Next.
7. Conversion Summary.
Leave as is. Next.
8. Converting. Wait.
9. Conversion Complete.
Creating and Importing to
MultiTerm termbase for MultiTerm 2007 or earlier versions
Open MultiTerm. Click on
Termbase and then Create termbase:
1. Termbase definition.
Use Load an existing termbase definition file and select the
.xdt file from the location you stored it when you made the
2. Termbase Name. Enter
3. Index fields. Add
4. Descriptive fields.
Leave as is. Next.
5. Entry structure.
Leave as is. Next.
6. Wizard Complete.
Importing entries
Termbase/Import entries: Termbase Catalogue. Select default import definition. Press Process.
1. General settings.
Import file: the xml file you have created. Select Fast import
(skip to screen 7).
7. Import definition
summary. Next.
8. Processing the import.
Next. Wizard Complete. Finish. Close Termbase Catalogue.