They all seem to expose the same methods but it’s just the way you call them that differs. For example, the sample code published for the HTTP method looks like:
1: string appId = "myAppId";
2: string text = "Translate this for me";
3: string from = "en";
4: string to = "fr";
6: string detectUri = "" + appId +
7: "&text;=" + text + "&from;=" + from + "&to;=" + to;
8: HttpWebRequest httpWebRequest = (HttpWebRequest)WebRequest.Create(detectUri);
9: WebResponse resp = httpWebRequest.GetResponse();
10: Stream strm = resp.GetResponseStream();
11: StreamReader reader = new System.IO.StreamReader(strm);
12: string translation = reader.ReadToEnd();
14: Response.Write("The translated text is: '" + translation + "'.");
1: string result;
2: TranslatorService.LanguageServiceClient client =
3: new TranslatorService.LanguageServiceClient();
4: result = client.Translate("myAppId",
5: "Translate this text into German",
6: "en", "de");
7: Console.WriteLine(result);
1: var languageFrom = "en";
2: var languageTo = "es";
3: var text = "translate this.";
5: function translate() {
6: window.mycallback = function(response) { alert(response); }
8: var s = document.createElement("script");
9: s.src = ";=myAppId&from;="
10: + languageFrom + "&to;=" + languageTo + "&text;=" + text;
11: document.getElementsByTagName("head")[0].appendChild(s);
12: }
1: <p class="style">Hello World!</p>
1: <p class="style">¡Hola mundo!</p>
1: <Article Id="this does not get translated"
2: Title="Title of the article"
3: Category="Category for the article"
4: >
5: <Content><![CDATA[<P>description for the article<BR/>another line </p>]]></Content>
6: </Article>
1: string value = client.Translate(APPID_TOKEN,
2: content, "en", "es");
1: <p>Descripción del artículo<br>otra línea</p>
1: <article id="this does not get translated"
2: title="Title of the article"
3: category="Category for the article">
4: </article>
5: <content><![CDATA[<P>Descripción del artículo<br>otra línea]]</content> >
1: <= Id artículo "esto no se traduce"
2: Título = "Título del artículo"
3: Categoría = "Categoría para el artículo">
5: <Content> <! [CDATA [descripción <P> para el artículo <BR/> otra línea </ p >]]>
6: </ contenido>
7: </> Artículo