In some cases translations are checked by experienced and professional proofreaders. However in other cases, the work is corrected by bad and unfair proofreaders. These proofreaders often waste the time of the project manager, of the translator and even of themselves. They also bring about unpleasant feelings for both translator and the project manager.
Correcting approach
The job of a proofreader is to correct a translation, but good
proofreaders and bad proofreaders have different approaches to doing it.
Except spelling or typo issues that require immediate changes, a good
proofreader will hesitate to change anything until he is sure that the
change will serve a purpose, such as help clarify a certain meaning, fit
the client’s style sheet or terminology, avoid misunderstandings or
enhance the naturalness of the message. A bad proofreader usually
hurries to change anything that he thinks does not match his own
stylistic preference. Many bad proofreaders even tend to rewrite
everything in their own words, falsely believing the more changes they
make, the more competence they can show, at least, to a project manager.
While a good proofreader tends to focus on errors that can obfuscate
the clarity of meaning or result in misunderstanding of a text, a bad
proofreader often concentrates on the minor details. Needless to say, a
good proofreader often reviews all the changes he makes before
submitting the edited work to the client. A bad proofreader does not
review changes or does this in a careless way. Not long ago, I received
back an edited version of my translation in which I realized that the
proofreader used the ‘find and replace’ function so carelessly that he
replaced many correct terms including the original name of company and
its original website address! Source: