If you’re learning a foreign language, there is always the need to go
beyond the standard textbooks and listening materials. Resources like
CDs,DVDs, and even movies in that particular language help you become a
good listener and communicator. Also, these days, there are plenty of
software available that help you learn better and faster. On Linux too,
there are many such applications that can push you further in your
linguistic endeavors without you having to pay a single penny. Here is a
list of the best ones.
Verbiste: Verbiste is a free application that helps
you with conjugation of French and Italian verbs. Written in C++, this
open-source tool gives you complete conjugations of any verb. Moreover,
since Verbiste doesn’t rely on the net, you get the results instantly
even while you’re offline. To get started, simply launch the software
and enter the verb you want to conjugate. You don’t even need to enter
the verb in its infinitive form, you can simply enter the third person
plural or past tense and get the complete conjugation. Another great
thing about Verbiste is that it shows the results in a nicely organized
format allowing you to pick out the conjugation you want.
Jargon Informatique: If you are learning French but
don’t know much of the technical jargon, don’t worry Jargon Informatique
has got you covered. The software is entirely in French so if you’re a
beginner then this application isn’t for you; however, for advanced
learners, it can be quite beneficial.
OpenTeacher: OpenTeacher is a free vocabulary
teacher that helps users learn foreign languages. The way this
application teaches you is very simple: you enter a list of words with
their meanings, and it asks you different questions till you perfect
your vocabulary. Though the tool works great for perfecting your
vocabulary, it does, however, turn out to be quite a tedious task to
enter all the words manually.
Perroquet : Perroquet is an unique language learning
tool that focuses on the listening comprehension part. You see a video
clip with the subtitles and listen to it once carefully, Then,
Perroquet tests you by showing you the same sequence without subtitles
only now you have to guess the words by yourself. Overall a great free
tool for improving your listening skills.
Parley: Part of the KDE Education Project, Parley is
a great vocabulary trainer for Linux. With pre-made vocabulary
collections available for download, Parley lets you memorize words using
‘Flashcards’. Furthermore, you can learn mixed letters, conjugations,
synonyms, and antonyms by simply downloading new vocabulary collections.
Anki: Though a flashcard-based study tool, Anki does
come in handy if you’re looking to strengthen your vocabulary. What
makes Anki stand apart from other tools is that it comes with more
features like inline editing, statistics and graphs, online syncing, and
Kanji language support. Furthermore, you can also extend the
application’s functionality by installing new plugins.
Source: http://techlaze.com
Tuesday, June 4, 2013
Definții în limba română și engleză conform Codului Comercial
Aceste definiţii au fost preluate cu exactitate din capitolul 1.2 Definiţii al ORDINULUI nr.25 din 22 Octombrie 2004 pentru aprobarea Codului comercial al pieţei angro de energie electrică.
Virtual Power Entity (VPE) - Entitate Energetică Virtuală (EEV)
CHP - Combined Heat and Power
CIM - Common Information Model
DER - Distributed Energy Resource
DG - Distributed Generation
DLMS - Distribution Line Message Specification
DMS - Distribution Management System
DNO - Distribution Network Operator
DSO - Distribution System Operator
EMIX - OASIS Energy Market Information Exchange (eMIX)
ES - Energy Services
ESCO - Energy Service COmpany
FACTS - Flexible AC Transmission Systems
HAN - Home Area Network
HPP - Hydro Powerplant
PMU - Phasor Measurement Unit
PSPP - Pumped Storage PowerPlant
PV - Photovoltaic (solar power)
RTU - Remote Terminal Unit
SCADA - Supervisory, Control And Data Acquisition
SOA - Service-Oriented Architecture
TeMIX - Transactional Energy Market Information Exchange. A se vedea si acronimul EMIX
TSO - Transmission System Operator
VPP - Virtual Power Plant
CHE - Centrala Hidroelectrica
CHEAP - Centrala Hidroelectrica cu Acumulare prin Pompare
CHEMP - Centrala Hidroelectrica de Mica Putere
DEC - Dispecerul Energetic Central
EVP - Entitate de Putere Virtuala
HA - Hidroagregat
MHC - Microhidrocentrala
OPCOM - OPeratorul COMercial al pietei de energie electrica
OPE - Operatorul Pietei de Echilibrare
OTS - Operatorul de Transport si Sistem
PE - Prescriptie Energetica
PPE - Participant la Piata de Echilibrare
PRE - Parte Responsabila cu Echilibrarea
RAR - Reanclansarea Automata Rapida
RAV - Regulator (Automat) de Viteza
RED - Resursa Energetica Distribuita
SEN - Sistem Electroenergetic National
UCTE - Uniunea pentru Coordonarea Transportului Energiei Electrice
UD - Unitate Dispecerizabilă
UDI - Unitate Dispecerizabilă Inteligentă
De obicei prin CHE se subînțeleg centrale cu putere mare (> 10 MW).
Centralele cu putere instalata sub 10 MW , dar mai mari decat 1MW sunt denumite in general micro-hidrocentrale (MHC-uri). Centralele cu puteri sub 1MW sunt denumite centrale hidroelectrice de mica putere (CHEMP).
Datorita compexitatii acestora, CTE sunt viabile doar pentru puteri instalate mari.
Entitatea energetica virtuala (EEV) este o generalizare a notiunii de generator de energie electrica, prin aceea ca EEV reprezinta o entitate energetica care contine generatoare de energie electrica, consumatori flexibili (care isi pot modifica consumul la cerere din exterior) si elemente de stocare / redare energie electrica la comanda.
EEV este o entitate in sine, chiar daca ea include diverse surse de energie distincte, pe care le intergreaza si le optimizeaza, prezentandu-se celorlalti participanti la activitatea energetica ca un tot unitar, cu atribute asociate entitatii ca un intreg, provenite din atributele individuale agregate intr-un mod inteligent.
Reglajul este executat cu ajutorul unui regulator central f-P, care transmite ordine de reglaj către mijloacele de reglaj distribuite (centrale electrice cu posibilități de reglaj) în cadrul zonei de control. Regulatorul central funcționeză pe baza unui ciclu de timp care trebuie să fie cuprins între 1 secundă și 5 secunde.
Reglajul secundar de tensiune (RST) se referă la reglajul de tensiune în rețea prin utilizarea unor resurse de reglaj distribuite dar care sunt controlate centralizat.
RST se poate realiza pe mai multe nivele. Astfel, un prim nivel RST se referă la controlul centralizat la nivel de rețea de transport, cu un punct central de control gestionat de operatorul de transport. Un al doilea nivel poate fi la nivelul rețelei de distribuție de inalta tensiune (110 kV). Mai poate exista un nivel care gestionează tensiunile la nivelul mediei sau joasei tensiuni.
Fiecare nivel poate funcționa corelat (ierarhic), independent sau mixt.
Aceste rețele permit funcționalități noi și optimizarea celor tradiționale, prin utilizarea unei rețele informatice numită Energy Web sau EnerWeb (care poate funcționa pe structurile internet / intranet existente), prin intermediul cărora participanții la activitatea energetică propriuzisă (producători ți consumatori de energie, furnizori de servicii conexe, gestionarii de piețe energetice etc.) schimbă informații în timp real care ajută la adaptarea caracteristicilor de producție și de consum a energiei electrice pe baza unei multitudini de criterii globale, locale sau de grup.
Serviciile energetice sunt acele servicii necesare activității energetice de bază sau care se pot efectua folosind elemente ale infrastructurii energetice pentru a genera funcționalități noi.
Se considera că SE se pot efectua cu precadere în cadrul rețelelor energetice inteligente. O parte din aceste servcii se regăsesc și în cadrul rețelelor energetice existente, în general la nivelul operatorului de transport, pentru că la acest nivel reșelele electrice au avut caracter "inteligent" si in cadrul sistemelor tradiționale. Printre serviciile energetice se pot enumera următoarele categorii:
Virtual Power Entity (VPE) - Entitate Energetică Virtuală (EEV)
Acronime în limba engleză
AMI - Advanced Metering InfrastructureCHP - Combined Heat and Power
CIM - Common Information Model
DER - Distributed Energy Resource
DG - Distributed Generation
DLMS - Distribution Line Message Specification
DMS - Distribution Management System
DNO - Distribution Network Operator
DSO - Distribution System Operator
- Termenul desi uzitat, este relativ impropriu. Termenul corect este "Distribution Operator" - "DO", acesta fiind un operator de distributie si nefiind si Operator de Sistem. Eroarea se poate sa provina din traducerea eronata a similarului "TSO" care de fapt inseamna: "Operator de transport si de sistem" si nu "Operatorul sistemului de transport". Operatorul de sistem este unic in cadrul SEN fiind de fapt Dispecerul Energetic National din cadrul Transelectrica. Totodata Transelectrica este si Operator de Transport, avand de fapt tarife separate pentru activitatea de Operator de Transport fata de cea de Operator de Sistem.
- Observatie: in EU Commission Task Force for Smart Grids apar urmatoarele definitii:
- DNO - Distribution Network Operator - Organization responsible for managing the electricity network supplying the grid users premises. DSO - Distribution System Operator: organization owning distribution assets and acting as DNO.
- care defineste DSO ca fiind entitatea ce opereaza reteaua (DO sau DNO) dar care o si detine.
EMIX - OASIS Energy Market Information Exchange (eMIX)
- Deals with Exchanging pricing information and product definitions in energy markets. Link-ul: OASIS-eMIX
- The eMIX information models to define information models to support Transactional Energy. These transactions are a subset of all possible energy transaction types that are selected to enable human and automated transactions of energy. This information model is called the Transactional Energy Market Information Exchange (TeMIX) model. Sursa: TemiX whitepaper
ES - Energy Services
ESCO - Energy Service COmpany
FACTS - Flexible AC Transmission Systems
HAN - Home Area Network
HPP - Hydro Powerplant
PMU - Phasor Measurement Unit
PSPP - Pumped Storage PowerPlant
PV - Photovoltaic (solar power)
RTU - Remote Terminal Unit
SCADA - Supervisory, Control And Data Acquisition
SOA - Service-Oriented Architecture
TeMIX - Transactional Energy Market Information Exchange. A se vedea si acronimul EMIX
TSO - Transmission System Operator
- A se vedea observatiile facute la acronimul DSO.
- In acord cu aceste observatii, TSO inseamna de fapt Transmission and System Operator sau mai descriptiv: Transmission Network and System Operator
VPP - Virtual Power Plant
Acronime în limba română
ANRE - Autoritatea Nationala de Reglementare in domeniul EnergieiCHE - Centrala Hidroelectrica
CHEAP - Centrala Hidroelectrica cu Acumulare prin Pompare
CHEMP - Centrala Hidroelectrica de Mica Putere
DEC - Dispecerul Energetic Central
EVP - Entitate de Putere Virtuala
HA - Hidroagregat
MHC - Microhidrocentrala
OPCOM - OPeratorul COMercial al pietei de energie electrica
OPE - Operatorul Pietei de Echilibrare
OTS - Operatorul de Transport si Sistem
PE - Prescriptie Energetica
PPE - Participant la Piata de Echilibrare
PRE - Parte Responsabila cu Echilibrarea
RAR - Reanclansarea Automata Rapida
RAV - Regulator (Automat) de Viteza
RED - Resursa Energetica Distribuita
SEN - Sistem Electroenergetic National
UCTE - Uniunea pentru Coordonarea Transportului Energiei Electrice
UD - Unitate Dispecerizabilă
UDI - Unitate Dispecerizabilă Inteligentă
Glosar de termeni
Centrala hidroelectrică (CHE)
Centrala hidroelectrică (CHE) este o centrală care produce energie electrică cu ajutorul unei turbine care utilizeaza energia cinetica si potentiala a unui volum de apa.De obicei prin CHE se subînțeleg centrale cu putere mare (> 10 MW).
Centralele cu putere instalata sub 10 MW , dar mai mari decat 1MW sunt denumite in general micro-hidrocentrale (MHC-uri). Centralele cu puteri sub 1MW sunt denumite centrale hidroelectrice de mica putere (CHEMP).
Centrala termoelectrică (CTE)
Centrala termoelectrică (CTE) este o centrală care produce energie electrică cu ajutorul unei turbine cu abur, in care incalzirea aburului se face pe baza arderii unui combustibil fosil (carbune, pacura, gaz) intr-un cazan.Datorita compexitatii acestora, CTE sunt viabile doar pentru puteri instalate mari.
Entitate energetică virtuală (EEV)
Engl: Virtual Power Entity (VPE)Entitatea energetica virtuala (EEV) este o generalizare a notiunii de generator de energie electrica, prin aceea ca EEV reprezinta o entitate energetica care contine generatoare de energie electrica, consumatori flexibili (care isi pot modifica consumul la cerere din exterior) si elemente de stocare / redare energie electrica la comanda.
EEV este o entitate in sine, chiar daca ea include diverse surse de energie distincte, pe care le intergreaza si le optimizeaza, prezentandu-se celorlalti participanti la activitatea energetica ca un tot unitar, cu atribute asociate entitatii ca un intreg, provenite din atributele individuale agregate intr-un mod inteligent.
Participant la piata de echilibrare (PPE)
Parte responsabila cu echilibrarea (PRE)
Reglaj secundar frecvență-putere (RSfP)
Acest tip de reglaj asigură următoarele funcționalități:- menține echilibrul între producerea și consumul de energie în cadrul unei zone de control și
- asigură contribuția la menținerea frecvenței sistemului în cadrul unei zone sincrone.
Reglajul este executat cu ajutorul unui regulator central f-P, care transmite ordine de reglaj către mijloacele de reglaj distribuite (centrale electrice cu posibilități de reglaj) în cadrul zonei de control. Regulatorul central funcționeză pe baza unui ciclu de timp care trebuie să fie cuprins între 1 secundă și 5 secunde.
Reglaj secundar de tensiune (RST)
Engl: Secondary Voltage ControlReglajul secundar de tensiune (RST) se referă la reglajul de tensiune în rețea prin utilizarea unor resurse de reglaj distribuite dar care sunt controlate centralizat.
RST se poate realiza pe mai multe nivele. Astfel, un prim nivel RST se referă la controlul centralizat la nivel de rețea de transport, cu un punct central de control gestionat de operatorul de transport. Un al doilea nivel poate fi la nivelul rețelei de distribuție de inalta tensiune (110 kV). Mai poate exista un nivel care gestionează tensiunile la nivelul mediei sau joasei tensiuni.
Fiecare nivel poate funcționa corelat (ierarhic), independent sau mixt.
Rezervă Terțiară Rapidă (RTR)
Engl: Fast Tertiary Reserve Rezervă Terțiară Rapidă (RTR) reprezintă rezerva de putere asigurată de grupuri generatoare care sunt calificate pentru a realiza sincronizarea și încărcarea sarcinii în maximum 30 minute (definiție extrasă din procedura operațională cod TEL-03.03).Rețele Energetice Inteligente (REI)
Engl: Smart Energy Grids sau Smart Grids Rețelele Energetice Inteligente sunt rețelele energetice tradiționale ajutate sinergetic de tehnologiile informatice, în scopul de a deveni flexibile, optimizate și capabile să răspundă unor noi cerințe.Aceste rețele permit funcționalități noi și optimizarea celor tradiționale, prin utilizarea unei rețele informatice numită Energy Web sau EnerWeb (care poate funcționa pe structurile internet / intranet existente), prin intermediul cărora participanții la activitatea energetică propriuzisă (producători ți consumatori de energie, furnizori de servicii conexe, gestionarii de piețe energetice etc.) schimbă informații în timp real care ajută la adaptarea caracteristicilor de producție și de consum a energiei electrice pe baza unei multitudini de criterii globale, locale sau de grup.
Servicii energetice (SE)
Engl: Energy Services (ES)Serviciile energetice sunt acele servicii necesare activității energetice de bază sau care se pot efectua folosind elemente ale infrastructurii energetice pentru a genera funcționalități noi.
Se considera că SE se pot efectua cu precadere în cadrul rețelelor energetice inteligente. O parte din aceste servcii se regăsesc și în cadrul rețelelor energetice existente, în general la nivelul operatorului de transport, pentru că la acest nivel reșelele electrice au avut caracter "inteligent" si in cadrul sistemelor tradiționale. Printre serviciile energetice se pot enumera următoarele categorii:
- servicii tehnologice de sistem sau mai pe scurt servicii de sistem (eng. ancillary services), ca de exemplu:
- reglaj secundar de frecvență-putere
- reglaj terțiar de frecvență-putere
- reglaj secundar de tensiune în rețeaua de transport
- servicii tehnologice de rețea sau servicii de rețea (engl. network services), ca de exemplu:
- reglaj secundar de tensiune în rețeaua de distribuție
- gestionarea supraincaracrilor pe segmente ale rețelei de distribuție
- servicii în cadrul unei entități energetice virtuale, cum ar fi:
- serviciile de micșoarare a dezechilibrelor în grup prin metode active (engl. active balancing).
Understanding File Permissions: What Does “Chmod 777″ Means?
If you are a Linux user, or a webmaster managing your own website
(which is probably hosted on a Linux server), you will surely come
across a situation when you try to upload a file or modify a document
and receive the error “You do not have the permissions to upload file to the folder“.
And after some googling, the solution is often as easy as setting the
file permission to “775″ or “777″. So what exactly does “777″ mean? And
why must it be ’7′, and not ’8′ or ’9′?
There are three Classes – Owner, Group, Others.
As for permissions, there are 3 type of actions that you can perform on a file/folder. You can either read, write or execute.
When you combine the Classes and the Permissions, you will be able to control who can access the file and what actions they are able to do with it.
For example, the owner will usually have all the permissions (read, write and execute) to access the file. If you are not the owner of the file/folder, you have to change the Ownership of the file to your name, or change the permissions of Group or Others to read, write or execute. In a web server, if you are not able to upload a file, it is probably because you are not the owner of the destination folder, or you are not given sufficient permissions to add files to the folder.
Every file and folder contain a 8-bit data that control the permissions. At its basic binary form, it will be “000″, which means no permissions of any form is granted. When you set a “Read” permission, it will add 4-bit to the data, making it “100″ (in binary format) or a “4″ in the usual decimal format. Setting a “Write” permission will add 2-bit to the data, making it “010″ and “2″ in decimal form. Lastly, setting an “Execute” permission adds 1-bit to the data, which will result in “001″, or “1″ in decimal form. In short:
0 – no permission
1 – execute
2 – write
3 – write and execute
4 – read
5 – read and execute
6 – read and write
7 – read, write, and execute
Depending on the permissions you want to grant to the file, you just set the number accordingly.
What about the 3 digits ’777′? Well, the first digit is assigned to the Owner, the second digit is assigned to the Group and the third digit is assigned to the Others. So for a file with ’777′ permission, everyone can read, write and execute the file. Here are some of the commonly used permissions:
this article can help you understand better about the file permissions
in Unix system and the origin of the magical number “777″.
Source: http://www.maketecheasier.com
Understanding File Permissions
Unix systems (including Linux and Mac OS X) come with a file control mechanism to determine who can access a particular file or folder and what actions they can do to it. There are two parts to the file control mechanism, namely Classes and Permissions. Classes determines who can access the file while the Permissions determines the kind of action the user can do to the file.There are three Classes – Owner, Group, Others.
- The Owner is the usually the creator of the files/folders. In Linux, files or folders that you created in your Home directory are usually owned by you, unless you specifically change the ownership.
- The Group contains a group of users who share the same permissions and user privilege.
- Others means the general public.
As for permissions, there are 3 type of actions that you can perform on a file/folder. You can either read, write or execute.
- Read – You can only view the file, but cannot modify the content of the file. When applied on Folder, you can only view the files in the folder, but you can’t delete from or add files into the folder.
- Write – You can edit and modify the file. For Folders, you can delete and add files into the folder.
- Execute – Execute is mainly used when you need to run the file (commonly used when you need to run a script).
When you combine the Classes and the Permissions, you will be able to control who can access the file and what actions they are able to do with it.
For example, the owner will usually have all the permissions (read, write and execute) to access the file. If you are not the owner of the file/folder, you have to change the Ownership of the file to your name, or change the permissions of Group or Others to read, write or execute. In a web server, if you are not able to upload a file, it is probably because you are not the owner of the destination folder, or you are not given sufficient permissions to add files to the folder.
What’s about the number?
With the basic understanding of the Classes and Permissions, let’s delve into it further and see how the “777″ or “775″ come about.Every file and folder contain a 8-bit data that control the permissions. At its basic binary form, it will be “000″, which means no permissions of any form is granted. When you set a “Read” permission, it will add 4-bit to the data, making it “100″ (in binary format) or a “4″ in the usual decimal format. Setting a “Write” permission will add 2-bit to the data, making it “010″ and “2″ in decimal form. Lastly, setting an “Execute” permission adds 1-bit to the data, which will result in “001″, or “1″ in decimal form. In short:
- Read is equivalent to ’4′.
- Write is equivalent to ’2′.
- Execute is equivalent to ’1′
0 – no permission
1 – execute
2 – write
3 – write and execute
4 – read
5 – read and execute
6 – read and write
7 – read, write, and execute
Depending on the permissions you want to grant to the file, you just set the number accordingly.
What about the 3 digits ’777′? Well, the first digit is assigned to the Owner, the second digit is assigned to the Group and the third digit is assigned to the Others. So for a file with ’777′ permission, everyone can read, write and execute the file. Here are some of the commonly used permissions:
- 755 – This set of permission is commonly used in web server. The owner has all the permissions to read, write and execute. Everyone else can only read and execute, but cannot make changes to the file.
- 777 – Everyone can read write and execute. In a web server, it is not advisable to set ’777′ permission for your files and folders as it allows anyone to add malicious code to your server. However, in some cases, you will need to set the 777 permissions before you can upload any file to the server (For example, uploading images in WordPress)
- 644 – Only the owner can read and write. Everyone else can only read. No one can execute the file.
- 655 – Only the owner can read and write, but not execute the file. Everyone else can read and execute, but cannot modify the file.
Setting File Permissions in Command Line
In Linux, you can easily change the file permissions by right-clicking the file or folder and select “Properties”. There will be a Permission tab where you can change the file permissions. In the terminal, the command to use to change file permission is “chmod
“.chmod 775 /path/to/file |
Source: http://www.maketecheasier.com
Tips / Tricks
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http://www.abkuerzungen.de Abkürzung eingeben, "Finden" klicken, mögliche Bedeutungen werden angezeigt.http://www.acronymfinder.com: für englische Akronyme und Abkürzungen.
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How to use regular expressions in Notepad++ (tutorial)
In case you have the plugins installed, try Ctrl+R or in the TextFX -> TextFX Quick -> Find/Replace to get a sophisticated dialogue including a drop down for regular expressions and multi line search/replace.
This tutorial was based on an earlier, far more limited regular expression syntax. The examples are still the same at the date of writing, they require additions or upgrading to the new ways.
Notepad++ regular expressions use the standard PCRE (Perl) syntax, only departing from it in very minor ways. Complete documentation on the precise implementation is to be found the implementer's website.
Another great tutorial is provided online at http://www.regular-expressions.info .
A french Sourceforge user, guy038, made a tutorial available in the French language. This is hosted at ici in a variety of formats.
In a regular expression (shortened into regex throughout), special characters interpreted are:
m : ^ and $ match embedded newlines (default: as per ". matches newline")
s: dot matches newline (default: as per ". matches newline")
x: Ignore unescaped whitespace in regex (default: off)
Notepad++ would select the match, bt there is no sensible way to select a stretch zero character long. Whe this happens, a tooltip very similar to function call tips is displayed instea, with a caret pointing upwards to the empty match.
A match was found at the first column of line 5.
Add more examples using advanced features of PCRE
So, you'd want to do this:: Find: ^.*?unused.*?$\R Replace with: nothing, not even a space The regular expression appears to always work is to be read like this:
Well, why is appears above in bold letters? Because this expression assumes each line ends with an end of line sequence. This is almost always true, and may fail for the last line in the file. It won't match and won't be deleted.
But the remedy is fairly simle: we translate in regex parlance that the newline should match if it is there. So the correct expression actually is:
Do the following:
You're done :-)
Let's first explicitly describe what we wish to match. An expression is balanced if and only if all areas delineatd by parentheses contain a balanced expression. Like in: 1+f(x+g())-h(2).
This leads to define the following kinds of groups: balanced ::= no_paren paren ... no_paren
no_paren = [^()]* -- a possibly empty group of characters without a single parenthesis
paren ::= ( balanced )
Can we represent this as a regex? We cannot as-is.
The first hurdle is that there is no primitive construct to represent an alternating sequence of tokens. A common trick then is to represent the sequence as a repetition of the repeating pattern - here, no_paren followed by paren -, with any odd stuff at the end added.
So we have a more manageable, although slightly more complex, representation:
balanced ::= simple* no_paren
simple ::= no_paren paren
no_paren ::= [^()]*
paren = ( balanced )
A second hurdle is that parentheses are not ordinary characters. That's ok, we'll escape them as \( and \) respectively.
The third one is more interesting. How do we represent the whole of an expression inside a nested sub-expression? This smacks of recursion. PCRE has recursion. The simplest form of it is tgoing back to the start of the search pattern - not the searched text! - and doing it again. It writes as (?R). You remember seeing this one in the main list, right?
So we can write something more legible:
This tutorial was based on an earlier, far more limited regular expression syntax. The examples are still the same at the date of writing, they require additions or upgrading to the new ways.
Notepad++ regular expressions use the standard PCRE (Perl) syntax, only departing from it in very minor ways. Complete documentation on the precise implementation is to be found the implementer's website.
Another great tutorial is provided online at http://www.regular-expressions.info .
A french Sourceforge user, guy038, made a tutorial available in the French language. This is hosted at ici in a variety of formats.
Contents[hide] |
Single-character matches
- ., \c
- Matches any character. If you check the box which says ". matches newline", the dot will indeed do that, enabling the "any" character to run over multiple lines. With the option unchecked, then . will only match characters within a line, and not the line ending characters (\r and \n)
- \X
- Matches a single non-combining characer followed by any number of combining characters. This is useful if you have a Unicode encoded text with accents as separate, combining characters.
- \Г
- This allows you to use a character Г that would otherwise have a special meaning. For example, \[ would be interpreted as [ and not as the start of a character set. Adding the backslash (this is called escaping) works the other way round, as it makes special a character that otherwise isn't. For instance, \d stands for "a digit", while "d" is just an ordinary letter.
Non ASCII characters
- \xnn
- Specify a single chracter with code nn. What this stands for depends on the text encoding. For instance, \xE9 may match an é or a θ depending on the code page in an ANSI encoded document.
- \x{nnnn}
- Like above, but matches a full 16-bit Unicode character. If the document is ANSI encoded, this construct is invalid.
- \Onnn
- A single byte character whose code in octal is nnn.
- [[.collating sequence.]]
- The character the collating sequence stands for. For instance, in Spanish, "ch" is a single letter, though it is written using two characters. That letter would be represented as [[.ch.]]. This trick also works with symbolic names of control characters, like [[.BEL.]] for the character of code 0x07. See also the discussion on character ranges.
Control characters
- \a
- The BEL control character 0x07 (alarm).
- \b
- The BS control character 0x08 (backspace). This is only allowed inside a character class definition. Otherwise, this means "a word boundary".
- \e
- The ESC control character 0x1B.
- \f
- The FF control character 0x0C (form feed).
- \n
- The LF control character 0x0A (line feed). This is the regular end of line under Unix systems.
- \r
- The CR control character 0x0D (carriage return). This is part of the DOS/Windows end of line sequence CR-LF, and was the EOL character on Mac 9 and earlier. OSX and later versions use \n.
- \R
- Any newline character.
- \t
- The TAB control character 0x09 (tab, or hard tab, horizontal tab).
- \Ccharacter
- The control character obtained from character by stripping all but its 6 lowest order bits. For instance, \C1, \CA and \Ca all stand for the SOH control character 0x01.
Ranges or kinds of characters
- [...]
- This indicates a set of characters, for example, [abc] means any of the characters a, b or c. You can also use ranges, for example [a-z] for any lower case character. You can use a collating sequence in character ranges, like in [[.ch.]-[.ll.]] (these are collating sequence in Spanish).
- [^...]
- The complement of the characters in the set. For example, [^A-Za-z] means any character except an alphabetic character. Care should be taken with a complement list, as regular expressions are always multi-line, and hence [^ABC]* will match until the first A,B or C (or a, b or c if match case is off), including any newline characters. To confine the search to a single line, include the newline characters in the exception list, e.g. [^ABC\r\n].
- [[:name:]]
- The whole character class named name. Most of the time, there is a single letter escape sequence for them - see below.
- Recognised classes are:
- alnum : ASCII letters and digits
- alpha : ASCII letters
- blank : spacing which is not a line terminator
- cntrl : control characters
- d , digit : decimal digits
- graph : graphical character
- l , lower : lowercase letters
- print : printable characters
- punct : punctuation characters: , " ' ? ! ; : # $ % & ( ) * + - / < > = @ [ ] \ ^ _ { } | ~
- s , space : whitespace
- u , upper : uppercase letters
- unicode : any character with code point above 255
- w , word : word character
- xdigit : hexadecimal digits
- \pshort name,\p{name}
- Same as [[:name:]]. For instance, \pd and \p{digit} both stand for a digit, \d.
- \Pshort name,\P{name]
- Same as [^[:name:]] (not belonging to the class name).
- Note that Unicode categories like in \p{Sc} or \p{Currency_Symbol}, they are flagged as an invalid regex in v6.3.2. This is because support would draw a large library in, which would have other uses.
- \d
- A digit in the 0-9 range, same as [[:digit:]].
- \D
- Not a digit. Same as [^[:digit]].
- \l
- A lowercase letter. Same as [a-z] or [[:lower:]].
- NOTE: this will fall back on "a word character" if the "Match case" search option is off.
- \L
- Not a lower case letter. See note above.
- \u
- An uppercase letter. Same as [[:uper:]]. See note about lower case letters.
- \U
- Not an uppercase letter. Same note applies.
- \w
- A word character, which is a letter, digit or underscore. This appears not to depend on what the Scintilla component considers as word characters. Same as [[:word:]].
- \W
- Not a word character. Same as :alnum: with the addition of the underscore.
- \s
- A spacing character: space, EOLs and tabs count. Same as [[:space:]].
- \S
- Not a space.
- \h
- Horizontal spacing. This only matches space, tab and line feed.
- \H
- Not horizontal whitespace.
- \v
- Vertical whitespace. This encompasses the The VT, FF and CR control characters: 0x0B (vertical tab), 0x0D (carriage return) and 0x0C (form feed).
- \V
- Not vertical whitespace.
- [[=primary key=]]
- All characters that differ from primary key by case, accent or similar alteration only. For example [[=a=]] matches any of the characters: a, À, Á, Â, Ã, Ä, Å, A, à, á, â, ã, ä and å.
Multiplying operators
- +
- This matches 1 or more instances of the previous character, as many as it can. For example, Sa+m matches Sam, Saam, Saaam, and so on. [aeiou]+ matches consecutive strings of vowels.
- *
- This matches 0 or more instances of the previous character, as many as it can. For example, Sa*m matches Sm, Sam, Saam, and so on.
- ?
- Zero or one of the last character. Thus Sa?m matches Sm and Sam, but not Saam.
- *?
- Zero or more of the previous group, but minimally: the shortest matching string, rather than the longest string as with the "greedy" * operator. Thus, m.*?o applied to the text margin-bottom: 0; will match margin-bo, whereas m.*o will match margin-botto.
- +?
- One or more of the previous group, but minimally.
- {n}
- Matches n copies of the element it applies to.
- {n,}
- Matches n' or more copies of the element it applies to.
- {m,n}
- Matches m to n copies of the element it applies to, as much it can.
- {n,}?,{m,n}?
- Like the above, but match as few copies as they can. Compare with *? and friends.
- *+,?+,++,{n,}+,{m,n}+
- These so called "possessive" variants of greedy repeat marks do not backtrack. This allows failures to be reported much earlier, which can boost performance significantly. But they will eliminate matches that would require backtracking to be found.
- Example: matching ".*" against "abc"x will find "abc", because
- " then abc"x then $ fails
- " then abc" then x fails
- " then abc then " succeeds.
Anchors match a position in the line, rather than a particular character.- ^
- This matches the start of a line (except when used inside a set, see above).
- $
- This matches the end of a line.
- \<
- This matches the start of a word using Scintilla's definitions of words.
- \>
- This matches the end of a word using Scintilla's definition of words.
- \b
- Matches either the start or end of a word.
- \B
- Not a word boundary.
- \A, \'
- The start of the matching string.
- \z, \`
- The end of the matching string.
- \Z
- Matches like \z with an optional sequence of newlines before it. This is equivalent to (?=\v*\z), which departs from the traditional Perl meaning for this escape.
- (...)
- <Parentheses mark a subset of the regular expression. The string matched by the contents of the parentheses ( ) can be re-used as a backreference or as part of a replace operation; see Substitutions, below.
- Groups may be nested.
- (?<some name>...), (?'some name'...),(?(some name)...)
- Names this group some name.
- \gn , \g{n}
- The n-th subexpression, aka parenthesised group. Uing the second form has some small benefits, like n being more than 9, or disambiguating when n might be followed by digits. When n' is negative, groups are counted backwards, so that \g-2 is the second last matched group.
- \g{something},\k<something>
- The string matching the subexpression named something.
- \digit
- Backreference: \1 matches an additional occurence of a text matched by an earlier part of the regex. Example: This regular expression: ([Cc][Aa][Ss][Ee]).*\1 would match a line such as Case matches Case but not Case doesn't match cASE. A regex can have multiple subgroups, so \2, \3, etc can be used to match others (numbers advance left to right with the opening parenthesis of the group). So \n is a synonym for \gn, but doesn't support the extension syntax for the latter.
Readability enhancements
- (:...)
- A grouping construct that doesn't count as a subexpression, just grouping things for easier reading of the regex.
- (?#...)
- Comments. The whole group is for humans only and will be ignored in matching text.
Search modifiers
The following constructs control how matches condition other matches, or otherwise alter the way search is performed. For those readers familiar with Perl, \G is not supported.- \Q
- Starts verbatim mode (Perl calls it "quoted"). In this mode, all characters are treated as-is, the only exception being the \E end verbatim mode sequence.
- \E
- Ends verbatim mode. Ths, "\Q\*+\Ea+" matches "\*+aaaa".
- (?:flags-not-flags ...), (?:flags-not-flags:...)
- Applies flags and not-flags to search inside the parentheses. Such a construct may have flags and may have not-flags - if it has neither, it is just a non-marking group, which is just a readability enhancer. The following flags are known:
m : ^ and $ match embedded newlines (default: as per ". matches newline")
s: dot matches newline (default: as per ". matches newline")
x: Ignore unescaped whitespace in regex (default: off)
- (?|expression using the alternation | operator)
- If an alternation expression has subexpressions in some of its alternatives, you may want the subexpression counter not to be altered by what is in the other branches of the alternation. This construct will just do that.
- For example, you get the following subexpressioncounter values:
# before ---------------branch-reset----------- after / ( a ) (?| x ( y ) z | (p (q) r) | (t) u (v) ) ( z ) /x # 1 2 2 3 2 3 4
- Without the construct, (p(q)r) would be group #3, and (t) group #5. With the constuct, they both report as group #2.
Control flow
Normally, a regular expression parses from left to right linerly. But you may need to change this behaviour.- |
- The alternation operator, which allows matching either of a number of options, like in : one|two|three to match either of "one", "two" or "three". Matches are attempted from left to right. Use (?:) to match an empty string in such a construct.
- (?n), (?signed-n)
- Refers to subexpression #n. When a sign is present, go to the signed-n-th expression.
- (?0), (?R)
- Backtrack to start of pattern.
- (?&name)
- Backtrack to subexpression named name.
- (?assertionyes-pattern|no-pattern)
- Mathes yes-pattern if assertion is true, and no-pattern otherwise if provided. Supported assertions are:
- (?=assert) (positive lookahead)
- (?!assert) (negative lookahead)
- (?(R)) (true if inside a recursion)
- (?(Rn) (true if in a recursion to subexpression numbered n
In PCRE (like Python, but unlike Perl), a recursive subpattern call is always treated as an atomic group. That is, once it has matched some of the subject string, it is never re-entered, even if it contains untried alternatives and there is a subsequent matching failure.
- \K
- Resets matched text at this point. For instance, matching "foo\Kbar" will not match bar". It will match "foobar", but will pretend that only "bar" matches. Useful when you wish to replace only the tail of a matched subject and groups are clumsy to formulate.
These special groups consume no characters. Their succesful matching counts, but when they are done, matching starts over where it left.- (?=pattern
- If pattern matches, backtrack to start of pattern. This allows using logical AND for combining regexes.
- For instance,
- tries finding a lowercase letter anywhere. On success it backtracks and searches for an uppercase letter. On yet another success, it checks whether the subject has at least 6 characters.
- '"q(?=u)i" doesn't match "quit", because, as matching 'u' consumes 0 characters, matching "i" in the pattern fails at "u" i the subject.
- (?!pattern
- Matches if pattern didn't match.
- (?<=pattern)
- Asserts that pattern matches before some token.
- (?<pattern)
- Asserts that pattern does not match before some token.
- NOTE: pattern has to be of fixed length, so that the regex engine knows where to test the assertion.
- (?>pattern)
- Match pattern independently of surrounding patterns, and don't backtrack into it. Failure to match will caus the whole subject not to match.
- \a,\e,\f,\n,\r,\t,\v
- The corresponding control character, respectively BEL, ESC, FF, LF, CR, TAB and VT.
- \Ccharacter", \xnn,\x{nnnn</i>}
- Like in search patterns, respectively the control character with the same low order bits, the character with code 'nn and the character with code nnnn (requires Unicode encoding).
- \l
- Causes next character to output in lowercase
- \L
- Causes next characters to be output in lowercase, until a \E is found.
- \u
- Causes next character to output in uppercase
- \U
- Causes next characters to be output in uppercase, until a \E is found.
- \E
- Puts an end to forced case mode initiated by \L or \U.
- $&, $MATCH, ${^MATCH}
- The whole matched text.
- The text between the previous and current match, or the text before the match if this is the first one.
- Everything that follows current match.
- Returns what the last matching subexpression matched.
- Returns what matched the last subexpression in the pattern.
- $$
- Returns $.
- $n, ${n}, \n
- Returns what matched the subexpression numbered n. Negative indices are not alowed.
- $+{name}
- Returns what matched subexpression named name.
Zero length matches
While, in normal or extended mode, there would be no point in looking for text of length 0, this can very normally happen with regula expressions. For instance, to add something at the beginning of a line, you'll search for "^" and replace with whatever is to be added.Notepad++ would select the match, bt there is no sensible way to select a stretch zero character long. Whe this happens, a tooltip very similar to function call tips is displayed instea, with a caret pointing upwards to the empty match.
A match was found at the first column of line 5.
These examples come from an earlier version of this page: Notepad++ RegExp Help, by Author : Georg DembowskiAdd more examples using advanced features of PCRE
Example 0
How to replace/delete full lines according to a regex pattern? Let's say you wish to delete all the lines in a file that contain the word "unused", without leaving blank lines in their stead. This means you need to locate the line, remove it all, and additionally remove its terminating newline.So, you'd want to do this:: Find: ^.*?unused.*?$\R Replace with: nothing, not even a space The regular expression appears to always work is to be read like this:
- assert the start of a line
- match some characters, stopping as early as required for the expression to match
- the string you search in the file, "unused"
- more characters, again stopping at the earliest necessary for the expression to match
- assert line ends
- A newline character or sequence
Well, why is appears above in bold letters? Because this expression assumes each line ends with an end of line sequence. This is almost always true, and may fail for the last line in the file. It won't match and won't be deleted.
But the remedy is fairly simle: we translate in regex parlance that the newline should match if it is there. So the correct expression actually is:
Example 1
You use a MediaWiki (e.g. Wikipedia, Wikitravel) and want to make all headings one "level higher", so a H2 becomes a H1 etc.-
- Search ^=(=)
- Replace with \1
- Click "Replace all"
You do this to find all headings2...9 (two equal sign characters are required) which begin at line beginning (^) and to replace the two equal sign characters by only the last of the two, so eleminating one and having one remaining.
- Search =(=)$
- Replace with \1
- Click "Replace all"
You do this to find all headings2...9 (two equal sign characters are required) which end at line ending ($) and to replace the two equal sign characters by only the last of the two, so eleminating one and having one remaining.
Example 2
You have a document with a lot of dates, which are in German date format (dd.mm.yy) and you'd like to transform them to sortable format (yy-mm-dd). Don't be afraid by the length of the search term – it's long, but consiting of pretty easy and short parts.Do the following:
- Search ([^0-9])([0123][0-9])\.([01][0-9])\.([0-9][0-9])([^0-9])
- Replace with \1\4-\3-\2\5
- Click "Replace all"
- the day, whose first number can only be 0, 1, 2 or 3
- the month, whose first number can only be 0 or 1
- but only if the separator is . and not 'any character' ( . versus \. )
- but only if no numbers are sourrounding the date, as then it might be an IP address instead of a date
- 31.12.97 became 97-12-31
- 14.08.05 became 05-08-14
- the IP address did not change
Example 3
You have printed in windows a file list using dir /b/s >filelist.txt to the file filelist.txt and want to make local URLs out of them.- Open filelist.txt with Notepad++
- Search \\
- Replace with /
- Click "Replace all" to change windows path separator char \ into URL path separator char /
- Search ^(.*)$
- Replace with file:///\1
- Click "Replace all" to add file:/// in the beginning of all lines
You're done :-)
Example 4
Another Search Replace Example[Data] AS AF AFG 004 Afghanistan EU AX ALA 248 Åland Islands EU AL ALB 008 Albania, People's Socialist Republic of AF DZ DZA 012 Algeria, People's Democratic Republic of OC AS ASM 016 American Samoa EU AD AND 020 Andorra, Principality of AF AO AGO 024 Angola, Republic of NA AI AIA 660 Anguilla AN AQ ATA 010 Antarctica (the territory South of 60 deg S) NA AG ATG 028 Antigua and Barbuda SA AR ARG 032 Argentina, Argentine Republic AS AM ARM 051 Armenia NA AW ABW 533 Aruba OC AU AUS 036 Australia, Commonwealth of
- Search for: ([A-Z]+) ([A-Z]+) ([A-Z]+) ([0-9]+) (.*)
- Replace with: \1,\2,\3,\4,\5
- Hit "Replace All"
AS,AF,AFG,004,Afghanistan EU,AX,ALA,248,Åland Islands EU,AL,ALB,008,Albania, People's Socialist Republic of AF,DZ,DZA,012,Algeria, People's Democratic Republic of OC,AS,ASM,016,American Samoa EU,AD,AND,020,Andorra, Principality of AF,AO,AGO,024,Angola, Republic of NA,AI,AIA,660,Anguilla AN,AQ,ATA,010,Antarctica (the territory South of 60 deg S) NA,AG,ATG,028,Antigua and Barbuda SA,AR,ARG,032,Argentina, Argentine Republic AS,AM,ARM,051,Armenia NA,AW,ABW,533,Aruba OC,AU,AUS,036,Australia, Commonwealth of
Example 5
How to recognize a balanced expression, in mathematics or in programming?Let's first explicitly describe what we wish to match. An expression is balanced if and only if all areas delineatd by parentheses contain a balanced expression. Like in: 1+f(x+g())-h(2).
This leads to define the following kinds of groups: balanced ::= no_paren paren ... no_paren
no_paren = [^()]* -- a possibly empty group of characters without a single parenthesis
paren ::= ( balanced )
Can we represent this as a regex? We cannot as-is.
The first hurdle is that there is no primitive construct to represent an alternating sequence of tokens. A common trick then is to represent the sequence as a repetition of the repeating pattern - here, no_paren followed by paren -, with any odd stuff at the end added.
So we have a more manageable, although slightly more complex, representation:
balanced ::= simple* no_paren
simple ::= no_paren paren
no_paren ::= [^()]*
paren = ( balanced )
A second hurdle is that parentheses are not ordinary characters. That's ok, we'll escape them as \( and \) respectively.
The third one is more interesting. How do we represent the whole of an expression inside a nested sub-expression? This smacks of recursion. PCRE has recursion. The simplest form of it is tgoing back to the start of the search pattern - not the searched text! - and doing it again. It writes as (?R). You remember seeing this one in the main list, right?
- we know how to match a no_paren. It will be nicer to give it an explicit name. This we'll do in the embelishments section below.
- we jusrtr discovered how to write a paren: \((?R)\)
([^()]*\((?R)\))*[^()]*Try it, it works. But it is about as hard to decrypt as a badly indented piece of code without a comment and with unpromising, unclear identifiers. This is only one of the reasons why old Perl earned itself the rare qualifier of "write-only language".
First of all, let's add some spacing so that we can identify the components of the regex. Spacing can be added using the x modifier flag, which is off by default.So we can write something more legible:
(?x: ([^ ( ) ]* \( (?R) \) )* [^()]* )Now let's add some commenting
(?x: ([^ ( ) ]* \( (?# The next group means "start matching the beginning of the regex")(?R) \) )* [^()]* )
Source: http://sourceforge.net
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