Tuesday, March 11, 2025

Romanian NLP

 Table of contents

Unlabeled text Corpora

The FuLG dataset is a comprehensive Romanian language corpus comprising
150 billion tokens, carefully extracted from Common Crawl. 


Part of a large multilanguage corpus originated from Common Crawl.
It's a raw, unannotated corpus. It has roughly 50 GB of Romanian text
in 4.5 million documnets. For details check its homepage 
and the paper

arXiv Homepage

 Similar to Oscar, part of a multilanguage corpus also based on Common Crawl
 from 2018. Romanian text is 16GB large

arXiv Homepage

  Romanian language wikipedia dump. 
  A collection of varoius unannotated corpora collected around 2018-2019.
  Includes books, scraped newspapers and juridical documents  
  A collection of written and spoken text from various
  sources: Articles, Fairy tales, Fiction, History, Theatre, News
 Romanian national legilation from  1881 to 2021. The corpus
 includes mainly: governmental decisions, ministerial orders,
 decisions, decrees and laws.
 Automatically annotated for Named Entities

ACL Homepage

Mega-COV is a billion-scale dataset from Twitter for studying COVID-19. It is available in over 100+ languages, Romanian being one of them. Tweets need to be rehydrated

arXiv Medium

A corpus of Romanian tweets related to COVID and vaccination against COVID, created and collected between January 2021 and February 2022. It contains 19319 tweets.

Minutes of the Sittings of the Chamber of Deputies of Romania (2016-2018)
Unannotated corpus
contains 500k+ instances of speech from the parliament podium from
1996 to 2018. Sentence splitting and deduplication onm sentence level
have been applied as processing steps
Unannotated corpus
Romanian presidential discouses (1990-2020) split in 4 files
one for each president. Unannotated corpus
Monolingual Romanian corpus, including content from public websites related to culture

Monolingual (ron) corpus, containing 38063991 tokens and 854096 lexical types in the law domain.

Monolingual Romanian corpus, containing 360833 sentences (9064764 words) in the public administration domain.

The New Civil Procedure Code in Romanian (monolingual) comprising 297888 words.

The Romanian updated criminal code: text with law content.

news articles dataset from romanian newssites title, summary and article

multi-language corpus from online available news sources. It contains also 43mil words in Romanian language from Twitter, Blogs and Newspapers


The Romanian novel collection for ELTeC, the European Literary Text Collection Sources: Biblioteca Metropolitana din Bucuresti, Biblioteca Universitara "Mihai Eminescu" din Iasi, Biblioteca Judeteana din Botosani, personal micro-collections uploaded on Zenodo under the following labels: "Hajduks Library"; "RomanianNovel Library"; "CityMysteries Library"; "BibliotecaDHL_Iasi"

Public dataset of 1447 manually annotated Romanian business-oriented emails. The corpus is annotated with 5 token-related labels, as well as 5 sequence-related classes


The corpus consists of texts written by Romanian authors between 19th century and present, representing stories, short-stories, fairy tales and sketches. The current version contains 19 authors, 1263 full texts and 12516 paragraphs of around 200 words each, preserving paragraphs integrity.

A dataset containing 400 Romanian texts written by 10 authors The dataset contains stories, short stories, fairy tales, novels, articles, and sketches written by Ion Creangă, Barbu Ştefănescu Delavrancea, Mihai Eminescu, Nicolae Filimon, Emil Gârleanu, Petre Ispirescu, Mihai Oltean, Emilia Plugaru, Liviu Rebreanu, Ioan Slavici.


891 Cooking Recipes in Romanian Language

Semantic Textual Similarity / Paraphrasing

Semantic Textual Similarity dataset for the Romanian language RO-STS contains 8,628 sentence pairs with their similarity scores


A paraphprase corpus created from 10 different Romanian language Bible versions. The final dataset contains 904,815 similar records and 218,977 non matching records, totaling 1,123,927

Around ~100k examples of paraphrases. No clear explanation on how the dataset was built

A multi-language paraphrase corpus for 73 languages extracted from the Tatoeba database. It has ~ 2000 romanian phrases totaling 941 paraphrase groups.

ACL Homepage

Natural Language Inference

We introduce the first Romanian NLI corpus (RoNLI) comprising 58K training sentence pairs, which are obtained via distant supervision, and 6K validation and test sentence pairs, which are manually annotated with the correct labels. ACL

The repository seems to be just an attempt at starting to build the dataset


Around ~72k Full texts and their summary. Source seems to be news websites. No description or explanation available

Dialect and regional speech identification

varied compilation of speech samples from five distinct regions of Romania, covering both urban and rural environments. Around 2800 records labeled with age, gender and type of dialect


MOROCO: The Moldavian and Romanian Dialectal Corpus The MOROCO data set contains Moldavian and Romanian samples of text collected from the news domain. The samples belong to one of the following six topics: culture, finance, politics, science, sports, tech totaling over 32.000 labeled records


Named Entity Recognition (NER)

Autorship Attribution

Sentiment Analysis

Dependency Parsing

Diacritics Restoration / Grammar Correction

Fake News / Clickbait / Satirical News

Offensive Language

manually annotated 4,052 comments on a Romanian local news website into one of the following classes: non-offensive, targeted insults, racist, homophobic, and sexist.


4455 organic generated comments from Facebook live broadcasts annotated not binary offensive language detection tasks and for fine-grained offensive language detection


4800 Romanian comments annotated with offensive text spans Offensive span detection


3860 labeled hate speech records

Dataset consists of 5000 tweets, from which 924 were labeled as offensive (18.48 %) and 4076 tweets as non-offensive.


The corpus contains 39 245 tweets, annotated by multiple annotators, following the sexist label set of a recent study.


Questions and Answers

This dataset is just the translation of the gsm8k dataset. GSM8K (Grade School Math 8K) is a dataset of 8.5K high quality linguistically diverse grade school math word problems. There is no information on the quality of the translation

RoCode, a competitive programming dataset, consisting of 2,642 problems written in Romanian, 11k solutions in C, C++ and Python and comprehensive testing suites for each problem. The purpose of RoCode is to provide a benchmark for evaluating the code intelligence of language models trained on Romanian / multilingual text as well as a fine-tuning set for pretrained Romanian models.


Spelling, Dictionaries and Gramatical Errors

Synthetic dataset with ~1.9M records. Altered and correct statement as columns

Romanian Archaisms Regionalisms Lexicon containing ~ 1940 Word definitions

Romanian Rules for Dialects - 1940 regionalisms, meanings and the region of provenience

Monday, March 10, 2025

Run Gemini Nano Locally in Google Chrome

 Running Gemini Nano in Google Chrome doesn't require any data network.


A "desktop platform" with

  • Recent operating system (OS) version
  • 22+ GB on the volume that contains your Chrome profile.
  • GPU
  • 4 GB Video RAM
Requirements for Gemini Nano in Google Chrome

Download Google Chrome for Developers

To run Gemini Nano in Google Chrome you will have to download a special version of Google Chrome — Google Chrome for developers / Canary.

Download Google Chrome for Developers from Dev channel (or Canary channel), version at least 128.0.6545.0.

Check the version by typing chrome://version it into the URL bar and pressing Enter.

Enable Feature Flags & Check For Updates

Enable two feature flags :

  1. Prompt API — To send natural language instructions to an instance of Gemini Nano in Chrome.
  2. On-device model — To bypass performance checks that might get in the way of downloading Gemini Nano on your device.

On-device model Flag

Open a new tab in Chrome, go to chrome://flags/#optimization-guide-on-device-model

Select Enabled BypassPerfRequirement to facilitate a smooth download of Gemini Nano on your laptop.


Relaunch Google Chrome for Developers.

Prompt API Flag

Open a new tab in Chrome, go to chrome://flags/#prompt-api-for-gemini-nano to Enabled.


If you do not see "Optimization Guide On Device Model" listed, you may need to wait 1–2 days before it shows up (this was the case for me).

Relaunch Google Chrome for Developers.

Check For Updates

At this point, it's good to check for updates. As said above, this is an experimental feature and might change over time even with short notice.

Go to chrome://components and click "Check for Update" on "Optimization Guide On Device Model"


The version should be greater or equal to 2024.5.21.1031.

If you do not see "Optimization Guide On Device Model" listed, you may need to wait a few minutes or some hours (this was the case for me).

Once the model has downloaded go to the next step: Run Gemini Nano in Google Chrome.

Run Gemini Nano in Google Chrome

To verify that everything is working correctly, open the browser console e.g. DevTools (Shift + CTRL + J on Windows/Linux or Option + ⌘ + J on macOS) and run the following code:

(await ai.languageModel.capabilities()).available;

If this returns "readily", then you are all set.

If it fails, we need to force Chrome to recognize that we want to use this API.

So, from the same console send the following code:

await ai.languageModel.create();

This will likely fail but apparently it's intended.

Relaunch Google Chrome for Developers.

Then go through the Check For Updates section again.

Use Gemini Nano With UI

At this point, you are ready to try the built-in version of Gemini Nano on Chrome for developers!

You can find an intuitive UI using the Chrome Dev Playground.

Chrome Dev Playground.

Use Gemini Nano APIs

Try out the API by simply using it in the browser console.

Start by checking if it's possible to create a session based on the availability of the model, and the characteristics of the device.

In the browser console, run:

const {available, defaultTemperature, defaultTopK, maxTopK } = await ai.languageModel.capabilities();

if (available !== "no") {
  const session = await ai.languageModel.create();

  // Prompt the model and wait for the whole result to come back.  
  const result = await session.prompt("Tell me a German joke");

Built-in AI models guarantee certain benefits over using models online:

  • Virtually Zero Costs
  • Faster Response Time
  • Offline availability
  • Local processing of sensitive data

This early preview of Gemini Nano allows text interactions. Naturally, the quality of the output does not match the quality of bigger LLM models...

The core object is window.ai. It has three core methods:

  • canCreateTextSession
  • createTextSession
  • textModelInfo

If you first check for window.ai, you could then use canCreateTextSession to see if AI support is really ready, if it iss on a supported browser and the model has been loaded. This does not return true, but... readily.

textModelInfo returns information about the model:

    "defaultTemperature": 0.800000011920929,
    "defaultTopK": 3,
    "maxTopK": 128
Finally: createTextSession.
const model = await window.ai.createTextSession();
await model.prompt("Who are you?"); 
promptStreaming method is for working with a streamed response.
<script defer src="https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/alpinejs@3.x.x/dist/cdn.min.js"></script>

<h2>window.ai demo</h2>

<div x-data="app">
	<div x-show="!hasAI">
		Sorry, no AI for you. Have a nice day.
	<div x-show="hasAI">
		<div class="row">
			<div class="column">
				<label for="prompt">Prompt: </label>
			<div class="column column-90">
			<input type="text" x-model="prompt" id="prompt">
		<button @click="testPrompt">Test</button>
		<p x-html="result"></p>
document.addEventListener('alpine:init', () => {
  Alpine.data('app', () => ({
		async init() {
			if(window.ai) {
				let ready = await window.ai.canCreateTextSession();
				if(ready === 'readily') this.hasAI = true;
				else alert('Browser has AI, but not ready.');
				this.session = await window.ai.createTextSession();
		async testPrompt() {
			if(this.prompt === '') return;
			console.log(`test ${this.prompt}`);
			this.result = '<i>Working...</i>';
			try {
				this.result = await this.session.prompt(this.prompt);
			} catch(e) {
				console.log('window.ai error', e);
Text summarization:
<script defer src="https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/alpinejs@3.x.x/dist/cdn.min.js"></script>

<h2>window.ai demo</h2>

<div x-data="app">
  <div x-show="!hasAI">
    Sorry, no AI for you. Have a nice day.
  <div x-show="hasAI">
      <label for="inputText">Enter the text you would like summarized below:</label>
      <textarea x-model="inputText" id="inputText"></textarea>

    <button @click="testSummarize">Summarize</button>
    <p x-html="result"></p>
 document.addEventListener('alpine:init', () => {
  Alpine.data('app', () => ({
    async init() {
      if(window.ai) {
        let ready = await window.ai.canCreateTextSession();
        if(ready === 'readily') this.hasAI = true;
        else alert('Browser has AI, but not ready.');
        this.session = await window.ai.createTextSession();
    async testSummarize() {
      if(this.inputText === '') return;
      this.result = '<i>Working...</i>';
      try {
        let prompt = `Summarize the following text:
        this.result = await this.session.prompt(prompt);
      } catch(e) {
        console.log('window.ai error', e);
const session = await ai.languageModel.create();

// Prompt the model and wait for the whole result to come back.
const result = await session.prompt("Write me a poem.");

// Prompt the model and stream the result:
const stream = await session.promptStreaming("Write me an extra-long poem.");
for await (const chunk of stream) {

System prompts

The language model can be configured with a special "system prompt" which gives it the context for future interactions:
const session = await ai.languageModel.create({
  systemPrompt: "Pretend to be an eloquent hamster."

console.log(await session.prompt("What is your favorite food?"));

The system prompt is special, in that the language model will not respond to it, and it will be preserved even if the context window otherwise overflows due to too many calls to prompt().

If the system prompt is too large, then the promise will be rejected with a QuotaExceededError exception.

N-shot prompting

If developers want to provide examples of the user/assistant interaction, they can use the initialPrompts array. This aligns with the common "chat completions API" format of { role, content } pairs, including a "system" role which can be used instead of the systemPrompt option shown above.

 const session = await ai.languageModel.create({
  initialPrompts: [
    { role: "system", content: "Predict up to 5 emojis as a response to a comment. Output emojis, comma-separated." },
    { role: "user", content: "This is amazing!" },
    { role: "assistant", content: "❤️, ➕" },
    { role: "user", content: "LGTM" },
    { role: "assistant", content: "👍, 🚢" }

// Clone an existing session for efficiency, instead of recreating one each time.
async function predictEmoji(comment) {
  const freshSession = await session.clone();
  return await freshSession.prompt(comment);

const result1 = await predictEmoji("Back to the drawing board");

const result2 = await predictEmoji("This code is so good you should get promoted");

(Note that merely creating a session does not cause any new responses from the language model. We need to call prompt() or promptStreaming() to get a response.)

Some details on error cases:

  • Using both systemPrompt and a { role: "system" } prompt in initialPrompts, or using multiple { role: "system" } prompts, or placing the { role: "system" } prompt anywhere besides at the 0th position in initialPrompts, will reject with a TypeError.
  • If the combined token length of all the initial prompts (including the separate systemPrompt, if provided) is too large, then the promise will be rejected with a QuotaExceededError exception.

Customizing the role per prompt

Our examples so far have provided prompt() and promptStreaming() with a single string. Such cases assume messages will come from the user role. These methods can also take in objects in the { role, content } format, or arrays of such objects, in case you want to provide multiple user or assistant messages before getting another assistant message:

 const multiUserSession = await ai.languageModel.create({
  systemPrompt: "You are a mediator in a discussion between two departments."

const result = await multiUserSession.prompt([
  { role: "user", content: "Marketing: We need more budget for advertising campaigns." },
  { role: "user", content: "Finance: We need to cut costs and advertising is on the list." },
  { role: "assistant", content: "Let's explore a compromise that satisfies both departments." }

// `result` will contain a compromise proposal from the assistant.

Emulating tool use or function-calling via assistant-role prompts

A special case of the above is using the assistant role to emulate tool use or function-calling, by marking a response as coming from the assistant side of the conversation:

 const session = await ai.languageModel.create({
  systemPrompt: `
    You are a helpful assistant. You have access to the following tools:
    - calculator: A calculator. To use it, write "CALCULATOR: <expression>" where <expression> is a valid mathematical expression.

async function promptWithCalculator(prompt) {
  const result = await session.prompt(prompt);

  // Check if the assistant wants to use the calculator tool.
  const match = /^CALCULATOR: (.*)$/.exec(result);
  if (match) {
    const expression = match[1];
    const mathResult = evaluateMathExpression(expression);

    // Add the result to the session so it's in context going forward.
    await session.prompt({ role: "assistant", content: mathResult });

    // Return it as if that's what the assistant said to the user.
    return mathResult;

  // The assistant didn't want to use the calculator. Just return its response.
  return result;

console.log(await promptWithCalculator("What is 2 + 2?"));

Multimodal inputs

All of the above examples have been of text prompts. Some language models also support other inputs. Our design initially includes the potential to support images and audio clips as inputs. This is done by using objects in the form { type: "image", content } and { type: "audio", content } instead of strings. The content values can be the following:

  • For image inputs: ImageBitmapSource, i.e. Blob, ImageData, ImageBitmap, VideoFrame, OffscreenCanvas, HTMLImageElement, SVGImageElement, HTMLCanvasElement, or HTMLVideoElement (will get the current frame). Also raw bytes via BufferSource (i.e. ArrayBuffer or typed arrays).

  • For audio inputs: for now, Blob, AudioBuffer, or raw bytes via BufferSource. Other possibilities we're investigating include HTMLAudioElement, AudioData, and MediaStream, but we're not yet sure if those are suitable to represent "clips": most other uses of them on the web platform are able to handle streaming data.

Sessions that will include these inputs need to be created using the expectedInputs option, to ensure that any necessary downloads are done as part of session creation, and that if the model is not capable of such multimodal prompts, the session creation fails. (See also the below discussion of expected input languages, not just expected input types.)

const session = await ai.languageModel.create({
  // { type: "text" } is not necessary to include explicitly, unless
  // you also want to include expected input languages for text.
  expectedInputs: [
    { type: "audio" },
    { type: "image" }

const referenceImage = await (await fetch("/reference-image.jpeg")).blob();
const userDrawnImage = document.querySelector("canvas");

const response1 = await session.prompt([
  "Give a helpful artistic critique of how well the second image matches the first:",
  { type: "image", content: referenceImage },
  { type: "image", content: userDrawnImage }


const audioBlob = await captureMicrophoneInput({ seconds: 10 });

const response2 = await session.prompt([
  "My response to your critique:",
  { type: "audio", content: audioBlob }

Future extensions may include more ambitious multimodal inputs, such as video clips, or realtime audio or video. (Realtime might require a different API design, more based around events or streams instead of messages.)


  • Cross-origin data that has not been exposed using the Access-Control-Allow-Origin header cannot be used with the prompt API, and will reject with a "SecurityError" DOMException. This applies to HTMLImageElement, SVGImageElement, HTMLVideoElement, HTMLCanvasElement, and OffscreenCanvas. Note that this is more strict than createImageBitmap(), which has a tainting mechanism which allows creating opaque image bitmaps from unexposed cross-origin resources. For the prompt API, such resources will just fail. This includes attempts to use cross-origin-tainted canvases.

  • Raw-bytes cases (Blob and BufferSource) will apply the appropriate sniffing rules (for images, for audio) and reject with a "NotSupportedError" DOMException if the format is not supported. This behavior is similar to that of createImageBitmap().

  • Animated images will be required to snapshot the first frame (like createImageBitmap()). In the future, animated image input may be supported via some separate opt-in, similar to video clip input. But we don't want interoperability problems from some implementations supporting animated images and some not, in the initial version.

  • For HTMLVideoElement, even a single frame might not yet be downloaded when the prompt API is called. In such cases, calling into the prompt API will force at least a single frame's worth of video to download. (The intent is to behave the same as createImageBitmap(videoEl).)

  • Text prompts can also be done via { type: "text", content: aString }, instead of just aString. This can be useful for generic code.

  • Attempting to supply an invalid combination, e.g. { type: "audio", content: anImageBitmap }, { type: "image", content: anAudioBuffer }, or { type: "text", content: anArrayBuffer }, will reject with a TypeError.

  • As described above, you can also supply a role value in these objects, so that the full form is { role, type, content }. However, for now, using any role besides the default "user" role with an image or audio prompt will reject with a "NotSupportedError" DOMException. (As we explore multimodal outputs, this restriction might be lifted in the future.)

Structured output or JSON output

To help with programmatic processing of language model responses, the prompt API supports structured outputs defined by a JSON schema.

 const session = await ai.languageModel.create();

const responseJSONSchemaObj = new AILanguageModelResponseSchema({
  type: "object",
  required: ["Rating"],
  additionalProperties: false,
  properties: {
    Rating: {
      type: "number",
      minimum: 0,
      maximum: 5,

// Prompt the model and wait for the json response to come back.
const result = await session.prompt("Summarize this feedback into a rating between 0-5: "+
  "The food was delicious, service was excellent, will recommend.",
  {responseJSONSchema : responseJSONSchemaObj}

The responseJSONSchema option for prompt() and promptStreaming() can also accept a JSON schema directly as a JavaScript object. This is particularly useful for cases where the schema is not reused for other prompts.

While processing the JSON schema, in cases where the user agent detects unsupported schema a "NotSupportedError" DOMException, will be raised with appropriate error message. The result value returned is a string, that can be parsed with JSON.parse(). If the user agent is unable to produce a response that is compliant with the schema, a "SyntaxError" DOMException will be raised.

Configuration of per-session parameters

In addition to the systemPrompt and initialPrompts options shown above, the currently-configurable model parameters are temperature and top-K. The params() API gives the default and maximum values for these parameters.

 const customSession = await ai.languageModel.create({
  temperature: 0.8,
  topK: 10

const params = await ai.languageModel.params();
const conditionalSession = await ai.languageModel.create({
  temperature: isCreativeTask ? params.defaultTemperature * 1.1 : params.defaultTemperature * 0.8,
  topK: isGeneratingIdeas ? params.maxTopK : params.defaultTopK




Tokenization and Embedding Models for RAG

Embedding models may be used for Retrieval Augmented Generation (RAG) and create fixed-length vector representations of text, focusing on semantic meaning for tasks like similarity comparison.

LLMs (Large Language Models) are generative AI models that can understand and produce general language tasks and have more flexibility of input/output formats

A. Embedding Models

1. Static Embeddings

Static embeddings generate fixed vector representations for each word in the vocabulary, regardless of the context or order in which the word appears. While contextual embeddings, produces different vectors for the same word based on its context within a sentence.

With Word2Vec, GloVE, Doc2Vec (Dense vector based) and TF-IDF (keyword /Sparse vector based), the vectors for “access” and “account” in both the query and the log will be similar, returning relevant results based on cosine similarity


  • Polysemy Issue: Words with multiple meanings (e.g., “bank”) have the same vector regardless of context [river bank, financial bank]
  • Context Insensitivity once embeddings are generated: Cannot differentiate between “access denied” due to various reasons (e.g., incorrect password, account lockout).

Comparison Summary

2. Contextual Embeddings


  • Bidirectional: Captures context from both directions within a sentence, leading to a deep understanding of the entire sentence.
  • Focused Context: Primarily designed for understanding the context within relatively short spans of text (e.g., sentences or paragraphs).

BERT, RoBERTa , all-MiniLM-L6-v2 or SBERT (Masked language Model), Paraphrase-MPNet-Base-v2 (Permutated Language Model) embeddings capture the context and understand that “can’t access my account” is related to “access denied” and “cannot login” because they all involve issues with account access. Good choice for retrieval step

ColBERT (Contextualized Late Interaction over BERT) is a retrieval model that uses BM25 for initial document retrieval and then applies BERT-based contextual embeddings for detailed re-ranking, optimizing both efficiency and contextual relevance in information retrieval tasks.


  • Context Limitation: Masked and Permuted Language Model is good at understanding context within a given text span (like a sentence or paragraph), but it doesn’t have the capacity to generate text or handle tasks beyond understanding and retrieving relevant documents.

Comparison Summary

3. GPT-Based Embeddings

  • Unidirectional: Captures context from the left side only, building understanding sequentially as it generates text.
  • Broad Context: Can maintain coherence over longer text sequences, making them effective for generating extended passages of text.

OpenAI’s text-embedding-3 -large



GTR-T5 is Google’s open-source embedding model for semantic search using the T5 LLM as a base

E5 (v1 and v2) is the newest embedding model from Microsoft.

Generative-based embeddings: Good for the generation step of RAG. They recognize that “cannot login after password reset” and “login failed after updating security settings” are related to “can’t access my account.” They can also generate relevant responses based on deeper understanding and broader context.


  • Generative models like GPT can be more resource-intensive than purely contextual models like BERT.

B. Large Language Models (LLMs)

Combine the retrieved information (embedding) for response generation by LLM models

Open AI GPT 4o

Google Gemini Pro

Anthropic Claude3.5 Sonner

Metrics for choosing Embeddings

  1. MTEB retrieval score (Huggingface Massive Text Embedding Benchmark)
  • ex: Google gecko > Open AI text embedding 3 large > miniLM (Sbert)
  • GTR-T5 (google’s open source) is good MTEB retrieval score but slow
  • all-miniLM (Sbert) < Google gecko < Open AI text embedding 3 large
  • all-miniLM (Sbert) being a small model is faster, it is also default embedding for vector database like chroma


Embeddings are a fundamental concept in deep learning that enable us to capture rich context in binary format. Roy Keyes: “Embeddings are learned transformations to make data more useful.”

Three key aspects of embeddings: they are learned, they transform data, and they make data more useful. They are learned usually via some variation of a neural network and transforms raw data into vectors, making the data more useful by capturing meaning and context in a machine readable and indexable format.

  • Tokenization

The process of transforming text into embeddings begins with tokenization, which is the process of breaking down text into smaller parts, or “tokens.” These tokens can be as small as individual characters or as large as entire sentences, However, in most cases they represent individual words or sub-words. A pioneering method that has evolved this process is Word2Vec, which was developed at google in 2013. It operates by grouping the vectors of similar words together in a vector space. This is achieved by creating dense vector representations of word features, such as the context of individual words. Given enough data and a variety of contexts, Word2Vec can make accurate predictions about a word’s meaning based on its past appearances. For instance, it can infer that “man” is to “boy” what “woman” is to “girl” based on the contexts in which these words appear.

Word2Vec uses a neural network to train words against other words that neighbor them in the input corpus. It does this in one of two ways: either using the context to predict a target word, a method known as Continuous Bag of Words (CBOW), or using a word to predict a target context, which is called Skip-Gram. When the feature vector assigned to a word cannot accurately predict that word’s context, the components of the vector are adjusted, refining the model’s understanding of semantic relationships. This iterative process of adjustment and refinement is at the heart of Word2Vec’s power and effectiveness.

Word2Vec has some limitations. It cannot handle polysemy, which is when a single word or phrase has multiple meanings (e.g. river “bank”, money “bank”), which prevents it from differentiating between multiple meanings of a word based on context. Additionally it must store a vector for every unique word in the vocabulary which causes the size of the model to grow with the size of the corpus vocabulary, becoming a limiting factor for larger data sets. It also struggles with handling out-of-vocabulary words, or words that were not present in the training corpus which can lead to inaccurate representations. Lastly, Word2Vec does not account for morphological variations of words. For instance, it treats “run,” “runs,” and “running” as entirely separate words with no inherent relationship, which can lead to a loss of semantic understanding.

Sub-word tokenization allows the model to have a reasonable vocabulary size while being able to learn meaningful context-independent representations. For instance BERT and GPT-2 limit the vocabulary size to 30,000 to 50,000 tokens by using WordPiece and Byte Pair Encodings respectively. In addition, sub-word tokenization enables the model to process words it has never seen before, by decomposing them into known sub-words. For instance, if a model trained with sub-word tokenization encounters the word “unseenword”, it could potentially break it down into known sub-words like “un”, “seen”, and “word”. Now there are a number of different methodologies that use the sub-word approach to tokenize words.

Transformer Models

Words are tokenized to address how text is transformed into their final embeddings, while preserving the semantic meaning of the text on a larger scale. Vector databases generally use encoder-only transformer models; an example of this would be BERT (Bidirectional Encoder Representations from Transformers). We only need to encode the text so that it can be compared with the other embedded bodies of text in the database. Once we know which embeddings are most similar we can use their unique ids to look up the original raw text. These models leverage the power of self-attention mechanisms and positional encodings to understand the context and semantics of words in a sentence. Let’s break down this process into its key steps:

  1. Tokenization: The number of tokens fed to the model at one time can range anywhere from the size of a sentence, a paragraph, all the way up to a small document.
  2. Embedding Lookup: Once the text is tokenized, each token is mapped to an initial embedding. These embeddings are not random but are pre-trained representations learned during the pere-training phase of the Transformer model. They serve as the starting point for understanding the semantics of each token.
  3. Positional Encoding: Transformers, by design, lack an inherent understanding of the order of tokens. To overcome this, positional encodings are added to the initial embeddings. These encodings provide information about the position of each token within the sequence, enabling the model to understand the order of words, while freeing us from the constraint of sequential processing of a text that limited processing in pre-transformer NLP models like RNNs.
  4. Self-Attention Mechanism: The next step involves the application of the self-attention mechanism. This mechanism allows each token to ‘look’ at other tokens in the sequence and weigh their influence based on their relevance. It enables the model to determine which tokens contribute significantly to the meaning of each individual token.
  5. Aggregation: Following the self-attention step, the outputs for each token are aggregated, typically by summing them up. This aggregation results in a new set of embeddings for each token. These embeddings capture both the individual meanings of the tokens and their context within the sequence. The aggregation step combines the context-aware embeddings from the self-attention mechanism into a single vector.
  6. Feed-Forward Neural Network: The final step in the process involves passing these aggregated embeddings through a feed-forward neural network. This network processes the embeddings to produce the final set of embeddings and is shared across all positions. The feed-forward neural network further transforms these embeddings, enabling the model to learn more abstract representations, and it helps to generalize the model to unseen data.

The resulting embeddings are rich in semantic and contextual information, making them incredibly useful for a wide range of natural language processing tasks. In the context of vector databases, these embeddings serve as the high-dimensional vectors that are stored and queried to retrieve semantically similar results.

A larger vocabulary equates to more embeddings, which in turn increases the model’s size and the computational resources needed for training and inference. This is why models like BERT and GPT use various sub-word tokenization methods in order to train on a huge corpus of text, while keeping the number of tokens relatively low.

The issue of out-of-vocabulary words can also impact the quality of the embeddings. Sub-word tokenization allows the model to construct representations for unseen words from the sub-word units it has encountered. Certain tokenization methods may be more suitable for specific tasks or languages. This can result in more accurate embeddings and improved performance on tasks such as search.

Tokenization method can significantly affect the size and effectiveness of a transformer model’s embeddings. It’s a crucial consideration when designing and training these models, and it should be guided by the specific requirements of the task and the characteristics of the language of the text. Many vector databases make this determination automatically, but one may achieve superior performance in vector search by experimenting with different tokenization methods and transformer models.

Encoder only transformer models are fundamental to transforming the tokenized words into indexable and comparable context of a larger corpus of text. Through a series of steps — tokenization, embedding lookup, positional encoding, self-attention mechanism, aggregation, and a feed-forward neural network — these models create embeddings that capture both the semantic meaning of each token and the context in which it appears in the sequence.By choosing the right tokenization method we can create a nuanced understanding of text that captures both the meaning of individual words and the relationships between them.

Appendix: Specific sub-word tokenization methods

  1. Byte Pair Encoding (BPE)
  • How it works: BPE starts with a vocabulary of individual characters and iteratively merges the most frequent pair of symbols to produce a new symbol. This process continues until a predefined number of merges have been made.
  • Advantages: BPE can handle out-of-vocabulary words and morphological variations. It’s flexible and can adapt to the specifics of the language it’s trained on.
  • Disadvantages: BPE can sometimes produce strange splits of words, especially for languages with complex morphology. It also requires a two-step process of first learning the BPE merges and then training the model.
  • Used in: GPT-2, RoBERTa.
  • Example: Given the word “lowers” and the most frequent pair is (“o”, “w”), BPE will merge them into a new symbol “ow”. The word “lowers” will be tokenized into “l”, “ow”, “e”, “r”, “s”.

2. Byte-Level Encoding

  • How it works: Byte-level encoding uses a vocabulary of all possible byte values (256 unique bytes). It can handle any string of bytes, making it particularly useful for multilingual models or models that need to handle non-text inputs.
  • Advantages: Byte-level encoding can handle any kind of input and doesn’t require any special handling for out-of-vocabulary words. It’s also very memory-efficient.
  • Disadvantages: Byte-level encoding can sometimes produce very long sequences for languages that use multi-byte characters (like Chinese or Japanese).
  • Used in: GPT-3.
  • Example: The word “hello” will be tokenized into the corresponding byte values of each character: 104, 101, 108, 108, 111.

3. Word Piece

  • How it works: Word Piece is similar to BPE but it prefers to keep whole words intact. It starts with a base vocabulary of individual characters and then learns a fixed number of merges, similar to BPE.
  • Advantages: Word Piece can handle out-of-vocabulary words and it’s less likely to split words in strange ways compared to BPE.
  • Disadvantages: Word Piece can still produce unexpected splits and it requires a two-step process of first learning the merges and then training the model.
  • Used in: BERT, DistilBERT.
  • Example: Given the word “lowers” and the most frequent pair is (“low”, “ers”), Word Piece will merge them into a new symbol “lowers”.

4. Unigram

  • How it works: Unigram tokenization is a subword regularization method that learns a subword vocabulary by minimizing the loss of the likelihood of the training data.
  • Advantages: Unigram can handle out-of-vocabulary words and it’s more flexible than BPE or Word Piece because it allows for multiple possible segmentations of a word.
  • Disadvantages: Unigram can sometimes produce unexpected splits and it requires a two-step process of first learning the merges and then training the model.
  • Used in: SentencePiece.
  • Example: Given the word “I love machine learning” [“I”, “ “, “a”, “d”, “o”, “r”, “e”, “ “, “machine”, “ “, “learning”]

5. SentencePiece

  • How it works: SentencePiece is a language-independent subword tokenizer and detokenizer. It treats the input as a raw input string, so you don’t need to pre-tokenize the text. SentencePiece implements both BPE and unigram language model with the extension of direct training from raw sentences.
  • Advantages: SentencePiece allows for the flexibility of BPE and unigram language model while also being able to handle multiple languages in one model. It doesn’t require any pre-tokenization.
  • Disadvantages: SentencePiece can sometimes produce unexpected splits, and the choice between BPE and unigram may not be clear for every application.
  • Used in: Multilingual BERT, T2T (Tensor2Tensor).
  • Example: Given the sentence “This is a test.”, SentencePiece might tokenize it into [“▁This”, “▁is”, “▁a”, “▁test”, “.”], where “▁” represents a space.