EU Terminology
- Style Guide (IER, Vth edition, 2008)
- Interinstitutional Style Guide
- List of Directorates-General and Services of the European Commission
- EESC Glossary (FR-EN-RO)
- Institutions, bodies, interinstitutional services, agencies and executive agencies of the EU
- List of EU Agencies
- List of States and Territories
- Antidumping Terminology (EN-RO)
- Audit Terminology (EN-RO)
- European Councils (EN-RO)
- European Institute of Romania (IER) database
- IATE database (Interactive Terminology for Europe)
- EUR-Lex (EU Law)
- Treaties and consolidated versions (EUR-Lex)
- CCVista Translation Database
- PreLex
- The Office for Official Publications of the European Communities
- Integrated Customs Tariff of the European Communities (TARIC)
- Tariful Vamal Integrat Român (TARIR)
- CELEX Numbers
- Trade glossary (EN-FR-RO)
Document Models
- LegisWrite templates in Word format in TWB import format (EN-RO)
Guides for freelance translators
- Joint Practical Guide for persons involved in the drafting of legislation (all languages)
- Guide for freelance translators
- Manual of precedents for acts established within the Council of the European Union
- Freelance Translation Checklist